Dear Owen

I am glad you are happy with your Apple I-products.

OTH,  as someone who lives in a notionally 3rd world country, I (and many
other people like me) find Apple products to be so complex that they simply
don't work here. I thinks its possibly due to the uber-brainy conditioned to
Apple from birth dummies who design and test Apple products

My young son got an Apple Ipod Shuffle. The Apple Store assured us it would
work on Pentium-4 desktops PCs running Win-XP. For the last 3 months
they have been unable to get it to work. The system simply does not
the device.  The excuses ranged from "non-standard USB 2.0 Hi Power port".
(Despite my Motherboard manufacturer claiming theirs was a USB 2.0 HiPower,
I  added an additional plug in card - no luck). Then they said the I-Tunes
was too recent for XP, so I installed an older version - no result. after
that they
advised me to replace ("upgrade") my motherboard and install Vista / Win-7.
They privately informed me much later that Apple had inadequately tested
their product on all the flavours of Win XP ("since hardly anyone uses it
 - incl non-US versions.

In the end I simply threw their product away, bought him a Hong Kong  MP4
player [] at US$27 a quarter of
Apple's absurd price,
and got a camera / DV player/ recorder "free of cost" (vis-a-vis Apple)
which works
flawlessly and has great sound quality.

If Apple can't manufacture a "simple" product like a MP4 player and get it
to work
for me, then I probably wouldn't take a chance on their "complex" stuff (no
how many "cool" features it has) till the Chinese have cloned it.


On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 8:49 PM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:

> I was surprised to get mine yesterday, I thought we did not get Saturday
> UPS deliveries, but apparently Apple paid for doing so.
> It really is different, that's for sure.  And it will take the iPhone apps
> folks a couple of months to figure out how to migrate.
> :

> Overall, I'm surprised that it seems to be so effortless to learn and use.
>  iPhone, and likely Android, users will feel comfortable with the touch
> interface.  It is strikingly gorgeous.  It really is a new class of
> computing, creating it's own niche.  Certainly for most mobile use it is
> fine, and at 1.5 lb, that's saying a lot!  .. or maybe little?  :)
>    -- Owen
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