Roger Critchlow wrote:
I found it even more apparent on this pass through that the language is very well built for the kind of parallel programming that I've become comfortable with in erlang. That is, go makes it very easy to spin off a new thread/process/goroutine and establish communications using channels. This is a matter of being able to easily instantiate the appropriate graph of communicating sequential processes to a computational task, receive the result of the computation when it finishes or fails, and know that all the cruft got cleaned up. So if your computation can be pipelined or fanned out onto multiple cores,
I can see that goroutines and channels are appealing programming abstractions, but have a hard time believing they could scale. Seems like the more goroutines you have the more CPU cycles that will be absorbed in switching amongst them. I could see how distributed Erlang would scale with lots of high latency _network_ messages in flight -- the amount of time for switching would be small compared to the latency of the message. That wouldn't seem to be the case with Google Go, which would all be in core.

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