Hi, I get to claim both lurkership and newbie-ship here, and have enjoyed this 

This is an interesting idea, Pamela, that literature has endured, more than 
non-fiction.  It feels intuitively true as we look back on various canon(s).  
It does all sorts of 

I come from the opposite direction; for years I read nothing but fiction 
(plenty of science fiction, and I still have a special jonesing for urban 
fantasy), though I spent time in the 80's as an editor of general trade books 
on science and computing.  But recently, just the past few years, I have read 
more and more non-fiction, most recently and belatedly, Collapse, by Jared 
Diamond, which is a masterpiece in its own right.  Great literature clearly 
endures from both its universality and beauty, but I also wonder how long the 
novel will endure as a form.

Which leads me to note that few people have brought poetry to the fore here.  
When you talk about the pleasures that come from being sensitive to a form's 
techniques, there's nothing like poetry, maybe because of the intensity that 
must be brought to bear on each word.  As an undergrad, I wrote a lengthy paper 
on an early and somewhat traditional Yeats poem, The Song of Wandering Aengus.  
It was entirely a formal and linguistic analysis, and I believed then, as now, 
that not one aspect of language -- syntax, semantics, form, phonology, you name 
it -- escaped Yeats' attention as he composed, all serving his specific 
purpose.  He was the master.  Alas, I lost the paper in one move or another.

But here's the poem, and as a bonus, for everyone who loves Ray Bradbury, 
you'll probably see the connection --

I WENT out to the hazel wood,    
Because a fire was in my head,   
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,         
And hooked a berry to a thread;  
And when white moths were on the wing,           5
And moth-like stars were flickering out,         
I dropped the berry in a stream  
And caught a little silver trout.        
When I had laid it on the floor  
I went to blow the fire a-flame,          10
But something rustled on the floor,      
And someone called me by my name:        
It had become a glimmering girl  
With apple blossom in her hair   
Who called me by my name and ran          15
And faded through the brightening air.   
Though I am old with wandering   
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,    
I will find out where she has gone,      
And kiss her lips and take her hands;     20
And walk among long dappled grass,       
And pluck till time and times are done,  
The silver apples of the moon,   
The golden apples of the sun.

Robert Gehorsam

On Oct 9, 2010, at 4:27 PM, Pamela McCorduck wrote:

> When I hear someone say "I never read fiction," I'm a little saddened. It 
> comes to my ears like "I never look at art." When one starts getting all 
> hairy-chested about the greater value of non-fiction over make-believe, 
> please be reminded of the books you pull off your shelf to make room for new 
> ones. They're often of the genre of  "The Coming Crisis of 1981." Valuable in 
> its way in 1979, but not so much later. Literature lasts, which is why so 
> many of our choices here have been oldies.
> Why do we read fiction? Any number of reasons, but one major reason is to 
> help us see--often, see anew. So one of the things that separates literature 
> from a pleasant afternoon's escape (of *course* I read thrillers too; I like 
> pleasant afternoons of escape) is that literature does make you see anew. It 
> does all sorts of other things too, if you're sensitive to its techniques. 
> One of the best ways of teaching yourself about those techniques is James 
> Wood's "How Fiction Works." Wood is a staff writer on the New Yorker, and a 
> passionate reader. He's not going to teach you how to write a novel, but 
> he'll certainly teach you how to read one better. He's deliciously 
> opinionated, but makes his arguments lucidly and persuasively. It's a small 
> book, and I often toss it in my backpack for the subway, open it at random, 
> and start to think as I read it.
> Pamela
> "How quickly weeks glide away in such a city as New York, especially when you 
> reckon among your friends some of the most agreeable people in either 
> hemisphere."
>       Fanny Trollope, "Domestic Manners of the Americans"
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