On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Nicholas Thompson <
nickthomp...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> All,
> I wonder what everybody thinks of this list?  Has our collective wisdom
> made a monster?  Will Robert become a happier wiser man when he sits down
> and reads, these ten books?
> When I was a kid I slept on a sleeping porch in the summer, where there was
> a pile of old magazines, Old Dick Tracy comic books, illustrations of world
> war II fighting aircraft, etc, that somehow never got cleaned up, summer
> after summer.  Among them was a copy of “Pageant” magazine,  kind of the
> equivalent of People Mag and Reader’s Digest mashed together: the worst sort
> of Dentist Office trash.  In that issue, somebody had compiled a photo of a
> woman who was made up of the best features of all the beautiful women of the
> day.   “Huh?!”

I am giggling helplessly at the thought of a chimeric literary work which
blends these ten books into one.  Moby Dick + Ulysses + War and Peace + Don
Quixote = WTF?

I would pick one Hermann Hesse and promote two from the next rank by
lottery.  If you enjoy one Hesse, you'll find the rest.

And Gravity's Rainbow is by Thomas Pynchon, not Vernor Vinge.

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