The Actor pattern certainly seems to map on to Agents in modeling.

I'm fascinated by the lack of globals.  I wonder how that is handled?  Is there 
a Factory that can hold the global information needed by Actors?

If all this can have reasonable performance, especially in a distributed 
system, it'd be a good model for some of the distributed ABM ideas we've been 

Oddly enough, we've thought of Javascript as a good language to use.  Its 
everywhere, becoming so pervasive on the server side that one company, Joyent, 
is converting to it for its hosting services.  That would lead us to use it on 
the client, the server, and via JSON, as the messaging between client/server.  
Indeed, we might go to a symmetric model where the client/server become the 
same, both being servers (async listening) and responding (sending messages).

One issue is the identity of the Actors involved.  We'd need something like a 
universal id for each so that they could find each other world wide.  Possibly 
a URL?

    -- Owen

On Nov 20, 2010, at 6:30 AM, Dale Schumacher wrote:

> Implementing language features using Actors has reached the point
> where the actor primitives themselves can be described
> meta-circularly.
> ============================================================
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