Don't support the current Wikileaks,
and don't turn Assange into a hero.
Julian Assange is not the hero the media
wants to see in him. The problem is that
the media does not report objective or independent in the case of Wikileaks. Whenever the media is involved in a case itself, it comes to a big buzz caused by
a positive feedback loop.

Assange suspended the German hacker Daniel Schmidt (alias Daniel Domscheit-Berg),
when the platform turned from a whistleblower
site to a biased site for the fight against a superpower - the US. Daniel reports about it here (in German),1518,719604,00.html

What he says makes sense, the original Wikileaks he had in mind is a much better thing than the current Wikileaks, which has turned into a biased site for a Don Quichotte fight against windmills.


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