I've been using TextMate to edit Javascript most of the time, augmented by a 
jslint plugin for TextMate.  jslint (http://www.jslint.com/) is a javascript 
syntax checker that makes sure the syntax is correct before you run the code.  
It is extremely helpful.

jsunit, the javascript unit testing framework, is also useful, and it will run 
outside a browser using rhino.

On Jan 15, 2011, at 4:51 PM, Owen Densmore wrote:

> We're going to start some JavaScript projects, and I'd like to know:
>       How Do You Develop JavaScript apps/libraries?
> There are IDEs like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ and so on, all of which have 
> some sort of JS capability.  Also a new one, Cloud9 which, believe it or not, 
> is written in JavaScript natively!  Generally these aim for a debugger, and 
> for browser related programming, a way to preview your work in a browser 
> within the IDE.
> Then there are TextEditors, with fewer bells & whistles, but with syntax 
> highlighting and keyword completion, and generally a way to run your code in 
> your default browser.
> Then there is a more do-it-by-hand approach: use a simple text editor, and 
> create a work flow using the the JS engine and debugger in the browser.  
> Firefox and Firebug are quite popular, but Chrome and Safari also have 
> developer tools.  Often you'll just build a tiny HTML page with the JS 
> inline, just to see how it all works.
> Finally, for just experimenting and exploring, there are JS "shells", 
> generally the browser JS engines but runnable outside of the browser on the 
> command line.  SpiderMonkey, WebKit, and Rhino are examples
> So the question is: how do you do your JS programming?  And good hints/ideas?
>    -- Owen
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