What are the prerequisites for the course?


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:00 AM,  <friam-requ...@redfish.com> wrote:
> Send Friam mailing list submissions to
>        friam@redfish.com

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Edward Angel <an...@cs.unm.edu>
> To: Discuss SFx <disc...@sfcomplex.org>, The Coffee Group Friday Morning 
> Applied Complexity <Friam@redfish.com>
> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 19:39:52 -0700
> Subject: [FRIAM] Graphics Class at the Complex
> A number of you have shown interest in having a course in Computer Graphics 
> at the Complex. I've been working with UNM on it so that those of you who are 
> interested and what credit for the class can do that. So here is what I'm 
> proposing to do.
> We'll do the equivalent of UNM's CS/EECE 412 Introduction to Computer 
> Graphics which counts for both undergraduate and graduate credit. I'm hoping 
> we can use the new edition of my textbook "Interactive Computer Graphics" 
> which should come out around March. If it isn't available, my publisher will 
> get us copies of the first couple of chapters which we can use until the book 
> is available.
> The course is an introduction to Computer Graphics using OpenGL. The 
> significance of the new edition is that it will be the first textbook that 
> uses the latest versions of OpenGL which are totally shader based. 
> Consequently we should be able to do projects on PCs or Macs with any version 
> of OpenGL from 3.1 up to 4.1 or on cell phones with OpenGL ES 2.0 or through 
> browsers with WebGL. All these versions are almost identical so participants 
> should be able to pick their platform and programming language.
> The content includes hardware and software, geometry, viewing, modeling, 
> procedural methods, curves and surfaces. An old syllabus from UNM is at 
> www.cs.unm.edu/~angel/CS433. In the modern version that we'll do, everything 
> will be done using shaders on the GPU. I'd like to keep the format where we 
> all do a few startup projects and then each participant picks a project to do.
> The plan is to start around March 1 and do the class over the next couple of 
> months ending at the close of UNM's spring semester.
> To make this work for those who want credit and to earn some much needed 
> funds for the Complex, I need seven people to register for UNM credit. 
> Otherwise, I don't really care if others sit in as long as they participate.
> Not only is the subject of interest to a lot of you, if we can do this course 
> successfully with UNM, it will lead to a long term relationship under which 
> we could offer more courses at the Complex for which credit will be 
> available. I'll also be working on an on line version at the same time which 
> could also be a test case for future offerings through the Complex.
> Please let me know if you are interested. It would be good to have an 
> organizational meeting sometime next week, perhaps a round table at Wedtech 
> next week if nothing else has been scheduled yet.
> Ed

Truly yours,


Michael Odza
FoorumNM and FoorumNet
228 Griffin St.
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Skype: michaelodza
Landline: +1 505-466-4460
Mobile: +1 505-470-1241


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