With particular regard to computer simulations of
celestial mechanics, Gerry Sussman wrote a paper
sometime in (IIRC) the late 1970s, about the 
ultimate instability of the solar system (one
of the classical motivations for celestial 
mechanics in general and the 3-body problem
in particular).

I could be vaguer if I tried.  

Lee Rudolph

> Yes, the n-body system with n>2 is known to be chaotic, but subject to
> the constraints of the KAM theorem
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser_theorem), ie
> there exist quasi-periodic orbits for certain initial conditions.
> This was certainly known stuff when I studied dynamical systems as an
> undergrad in the early '80s.
> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 08:17:37PM -0700, Rich Murray wrote:
> > does classical mechanics always fail to predict or retrodict for 3 or
> > more Newtonian gravity bodies? Rich Murray 2011.02.18
> > 
> > Hello Steven V Johnson,
> > 
> > Can I have a free copy of the celestial mechanics software to run on
> > my Vista 64 bit PC?
> > 
> > In fall, 1982, I wrote a 200-line program in Basic for the
> > Timex-Sinclair $100 computer with 20KB RAM that would do up to 4
> > bodies in 3D space or 5 in 2D space, about 1000 steps in an hour,
> > saving every 10th position and velocity -- I could set it up to
> > reverse the velocities after the orbits became chaotic after 3 1/2
> > orbits from initial perfect symmetry as circles about the common
> > center of gravity, finding that they always maintained chaos, never
> > returning to the original setup -- doubling the number of steps while
> > reducing the time interval by half never slowed the the evolution of
> > chaos by 3 1/2 orbits -- so I doubted that there is any mathematical
> > basis for the claim that classical mechanics predicts the past or
> > future evolution of any system with over 2 bodies, leading to a
> > conjecture that no successful algorithm exists, even without any close
> > encounters.
> > 
> > Has this been noticed by others?
> > 
> > Rich Murray rmfor...@gmail.com  505-819-7388
> > 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
> > 
> > On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 4:30 PM,
> > OrionWorks - "Steven V Johnson" <svj.orionwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 
> > > Just a brief side-comment...
> > >
> > > Some of this "lingo" is fascinating stuff to me. Having performed a
> > > lot of theoretical computer simulation work on my own using good'ol
> > > fashion Newtonian based Celestial Mechanics algorithms, where
> > > typically I use "a = 1/r^2", I noticed orbital pattern behavior
> > > transforms into something RADICALLY different, such as if I were to
> > > change the classical algorithm to something like "a = 1/r^3". You can
> > > also combine both of them like "a = 1/r^2 +/-  1/r^3" within the same
> > > computer algorithm. That produces interesting side effects too. I'm
> > > still trying to get a handle on it all.
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Steven Vincent Johnson
> > > www.OrionWorks.com
> > > www.zazzle.com/orionworks
> > 
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