Works just fine in Internet Explorer 9.

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Robert J. Cordingley

> With the promise of better performance I just upgraded to FF 4.0.1 on my
> Mac (OSX 10.6.7).  Is anyone experience horrible performance problems with
> subject combination - or is it just me?  In particular:
> You don't need to know go: click anywhere on an empty space and a black
> stone should appear, then white etc. - it's taking way too long for me.
>  Plus there should be a ghost stone under the mouse.  FF v3.6 was fine.
>  Safari v5.0.5 is too.
> Thanks,
> Robert Cordingley
> ============================================================
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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George Duncan
(505) 983-6895
Represented by ViVO Contemporary
725 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Life must be understood backwards; but... it must be lived forward.
Soren Kierkegaard
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at

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