This link courtesy of this wondrous information-gathering institution we
call FRIAM.  This is a summary of What Was Known about tornados, as of about
yr 2000.  I can't claim to have read every word at this point, but it seems
very clear, and straightforward, and just technical enough to be convincing
and not so technical to be daunting.   I am sending it along so you will all
help me understand it.  

Apparently, Larger tornados form when the rear flank down draft gets wrapped
around the center of mesoscale rotation of a very large thunderstorm.
Smaller tornadoes can form from a horizontal roll that gets tipped.  So
everybody is right.  

The article is 13 years out of date, as of now, so if anybody knows of more
recent stuff of equivalent quality, please let me know. 

Let's keep this thread for comments by people who have at least read IN the

Thanks to the lurker who provided me (us) with the link.  You KNOW who you
are and that we are grateful to you.  


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