I pay Verizon $46 / mo. I do not use data. Verizon apparently has some sort of loaner program for travel up to 3 weeks in GPS countries.


On 5/30/11 9:02 PM, Bin Hu wrote:
I use a minimum Verizon family plan since T-mobile signal is not good
around where I use cell phone most.

Yes. Service for mobile phones are definitely too expensive. If one
does not use cell phone a lot, the best way is to use some prepaid
phone. And T-mobile may have the cheapest prepaid phone plan too. If
one has to subscribe a data plan, then some app allow you to make VoIP
calls directly, so one can use VoIP with a minimum voice plan (this is
what I do).

Also family plan saves a lot. Depending on one's employer, there is a
possibility to get certain discount (as much as 20%).


On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Owen Densmore<o...@backspaces.net>  wrote:
I've just been browsing TMobile, Verizon and ATT and am surprised how expensive 
they are!

It appears TMobile is least expensive, and they go: $40 talk, $50 talk+text, 
$60 talk+text+data.  And you have to add on between $8-$10 for the additional 
fees, taxes and fed fees.  So we're talking roughly $50,$60,$70 a month 
depending on talk, text, data! Wow!

(Note: I pay considerably less, being "grandfathered" by being with TMobile for 
a decade or so.  My plan is roughly $15 less than the current equivalent.)

That seems higher than most folks would be willing to pay, right??

So two questions:
- What do you pay per month for what service?
- How do you keep your monthly costs down?


        -- Owen

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  -- Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, 1913.

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