On Jun 10, 2011, at 6:17 AM, Robert Holmes wrote:

Got some specifics? What are the usability issues? I'm curious,
because I love the interface, so I'm worried that I must be missing


Here's a copy from and off-line chat w/ Roger.

I was tempted to respond "Gawd, let me count the ways!"  This reply
was more difficult than in Mail.app, and I bet the formatting is not
what I'd like.  I've noticed most gmail displayed within mail clients
has odd characteristics like tiny text, text size changes, and so on.

Philosophical note: The WWDC Apple keynote by Jobs made a good point.
The trend away from browser interfaces to Apps.  This is not a biggie
for us, but Google's in a tight corner now.  Most vanilla computer
users will want an App for every Google service.

Jobs' comment that raw data in file hierarchies is too weird for the
general user.  I thought that odd until I spoke with a few educators
who say their students despise looking around for where their files
are and launching the right app for them.  Hard to believe.

But Google really is in a tough place with the new iCloud.  I was at a
talk with all of Apple engineering in the early '80s where Negroponte,
discussing Mac color displays will have to be twice as good as PCs due
to being late to the party.  Well, Jobs listened and spent LOTS of
engineering time on getting color right across computers and printers.
 He's going to do it right this time with iCloud.  Us old farts will
hang on to our splintered unorganized world till the End Of Time.  The
rest of the world is passing us by.

On Jun 9, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Roger Critchlow wrote:

> Owen --
> I've been using the gmail web interface for years, since March 11, 2005 to be 
> precise, and I have no idea what you're whining about.
> -- rec --

Mainly poor integration with the rest of my desktop.  Difficult to DnD
text/images in/out of gmail .. but I may not understand the WUI well
enough and it has hidden treasures I haven't discovered.  Its never
easy to move to a new interface.

I thought it would be easier than it has been because I use google's
calendar and contacts.  But then, I mainly just contacts as a way of
having one set of contacts for several machines so don't really use
its interface.

If/when I get an android, likely all this will change and be worth the trouble.

How do you connect your domain to your gmail?  Also: I've noticed my
email to Friam and Wedtech do not send me a copy for some reason.  You

Here's to loving the No Evil gang!

  -- Owen

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