proposed electric heat only scheme for Rossi demos re heat and
explosions: Rich Murray 2010.07.07
Thursday, July 7, 2011
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I examined the 2011.06.14 13:24 minute Krivit-Rossi demo video, frame
by frame for 13 frames, while the end of the black hose was held
against a black sweater, from 11:26 to 11:39 -- I estimated from the
normal speed video that the frame rate was about 5 frames per second.

The views in seconds 11:35, 11:36, 11:37 show the shadow of the black
hose outlet end against the black sweater, with the left edge of the
upward moving mist clearly visible in all three frames rising up and
slanting more to the left, right from the very end of the hose.

Someone skillful could get all the frames, and image process them into
an enhanced slow-motion video, allowing fairly accurate estimates of
velocities and volume of the moving, expanding mist.

In order for invisible steam to condense into the very tiny droplets
of water that make up visible hot mist, all the heat of vaporization
has to be absorbed by air or radiated.

Within the black tube, as the flow of steam reaches the end, if it has
already expanded by a volume factor of 2 from the inlet of the black
tube, then its temperature in degrees K would drop from 474 to 237 by
the same factor of 2 for the same pressure, but it still has to give
up its large heat of vaporization to become very tiny droplets of
water.  If the hot steam, mist, and condensed water mixture, always
changing complexly with time and location along the hose (and possibly
vertically in the about 2 m length of hose on the floor, from liquid
to mist to steam), flows for a long time, then the hose will become
almost as hot, limiting the loss of heat in the flowing complex

Then, as the flowing, almost 100 deg C complex mixture approaches the
end of the hose, it will accelerate forward, expanding in volume
within the tube, but not able condense into very tiny droplets of mist
until it exits the end of the tube.

Then it will expand as a cone, rapidly losing pressure and mixing
complexly with entrained air in a turbulence process, heating the air
until it is cool enough to very rapidly form a mist of very tiny water
droplets, visible at the 0.6 micron wavelength of visible light.

However, the fact that the exiting mixture of steam and mist is
already visible right at the exit, indicates that the mixture is only
partly steam, and may actually be all mist already.

In addition, if the volume of condensed water within the hose is not
specifically and accurately monitored, then it is impossible to
estimate how much steam has been condensing to water within the hose.

It is also possible that only a tiny amount of water becomes steam in
the reaction chamber.

We need an experiment that is made of transparent pyrex glass, from
the reaction device to the 3 m of exit piping, with several high speed
digital thermometers, paired with microphones to listen for
turbulence, and webcams to record images of the complex flow, with the
input water dyed to make the turbulence visible -- then flow
velocities can be accurately found and mist formation and water
turbulence studied at all locations.

Many people have the skills and equipment to rapidly assemble and test
an "electric heater only" mock up of the Rossi demo.  My friend
Michael H. Barron here in Santa Fe uses an Italian steam cleaner that
takes about 700-800 watts to vaporize distilled water in a strong
steel ball chamber, forming dry steam that exits a flexible 1 m hose
with an outlet about 5 mm inside diameter.  We were just talking on
Skype about measuring how far from the exit the dry steam goes before
becoming visible mist in the air.  He worked at LANL for years,
assembling complex experiments, and has a remarkable collection of
equipment and a network of dedicated geeks.  So, maybe, we'll try a
quick hack...

Rossi has mentioned, without any details, that in recent years dozens
of cells have exploded.  It may be that as water collects in and fills
the 2 m of hose on the floor, the resulting barrier is enough to slow
the steam exiting from the compact reactor, formed from the 2 ml/sec
fixed input water flow by electric heaters above 500 W power.  As dry
steam builds up in the reactor, it may impede the radiation and
convection transfer of heat from the electric heater, leading to a
transient high temperature excursion that softens and melts and then
destroys the Ni nanopowder and the copper and stainless steel wall.
Rapid accumulation of mineral deposits from city water could also
further insulate the heater.  If disruption of the container holding
50 gm of Ni nanopowder occurs, exothermic reactions become available
with dissolved O2 in the city water, and more complex reactions with
copper and stainless steel, in addition to the components of the
electric heater.  Disruption of the electric heater could lead to
electric shorts and arcing at 230 V AC, introducing very high
temperature chemistry and huge transient electric powers -- all in
all, an explosive witch's kettle.

Therefore, years of experimentation may have evolved a system that
operates stably with carefully adjusted water input flows and electric
heater power levels that produce a tractable exit mixture of hot
water, mist, and a little mass of steam (with a lot of volume).
Probably, Rossi is sincerely deluded, along with the others who have
misevaluated and overvalued this dramatic, relatively stable system.
In this case, there would be no reproducible radiation levels,
transmutations, or isotopic shifts.

In mutual service,  Rich Murray

Rossi Energy Catalyzer: Scientific Communication and Ethics Issues,
Steven B. Krivit, Senior Editor, New Energy Times: Rich Murray
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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Here is a classic example of careful, tenacious expert investigative
journalism, unraveling a remarkable case of scientific delusion.

Report #2 - Energy Catalyzer: Scientific Communication and Ethics Issues

By Steven B. Krivit
Senior Editor, New Energy Times

[ This article is Copyleft 2011 New Energy Times.
Permission is granted to reproduce this article in English only so
long as the article, this notice and the publication information are
included in their entirety and no changes are made to this article. ]

[ This is the second in a series of reports based on my interviews
with Andrea Rossi, creator of a device he calls the Energy Catalyzer,
or E-Cat, Sergio Focardi, professor emeritus at the University of
Bologna, and Giuseppe Levi, a professor in the university’s Department
of Physics, and based on my investigation of their claims of a
low-energy nuclear reaction device that produces commercially useful
levels of excess heat.

The complete list of New Energy Times reports on this topic is here.

[ more... ]

no excess heat in June 14 Rossi demo, as no invisible dry steam at end
of hose, just feeble mist, perhaps liquid water -- many unbiased
critical comments on Vortex-L: Rich Murray 2011.06.25
Saturday, June 25, 2011
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Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
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