A review of a new book that may be of interest.
--tom johnson

The Mathematics of Changing Your MindBy JOHN ALLEN PAULOSPublished: August
5, 2011

Sharon Bertsch McGrayne introduces Bayes’s theorem in her new book with a
remark by John Maynard Keynes: “When the facts change, I change my opinion.
What do you do, sir?”

Bayes’s theorem, named after the 18th-century Presbyterian minister Thomas
Bayes, addresses this selfsame essential task: How should we modify our
beliefs in the light of additional information? Do we cling to old
assumptions long after they’ve become untenable, or abandon them too readily
at the first whisper of doubt? Bayesian reasoning promises to bring our
views gradually into line with reality and so has become an invaluable tool
for scientists of all sorts and, indeed, for anyone who wants, putting it
grandiloquently, to sync up with the universe. If you are not thinking like
a Bayesian, perhaps you should be.

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