They dropped 600 and came back up.

Tory Hughes

On Aug 8, 2011, at 8:00 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

Dow futures are already down 263. It's going to be ugly again tomorrow.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:58 PM, Douglas Roberts <doug@parrot-> wrote: I'm staying at the Chico Hot Springs Hotel in Montana tonight, where the wireless access is iffy, at best.

My take: we're fucked globally, for a while. Think the 2008 recession and I suspect we'll be in the ballpark.

On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Victoria Hughes < > wrote:
Strong opinions stated twice. I did not vote for the Tea Party.
What's your take on this as a global situation?

Tory Hughes

On Aug 8, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

My nickel: we're fucked. Incompetents are running the country, because the system encourages incompetent ass-kissing, yes-men to rise to the top: we get what e voted for. Enjoy.


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Victoria Hughes < > wrote: Like many of us, I have been reading a wide range of opinions online about this, and had been looking forward to the discussion here.

So what's the sense here?

My nickel: despite the gloom and doom, the prophecies of the final demise of the middle class, the unbelievable behaviour by the Tea Party folks- petulant, arrogant and childish behaviour- overall I am heartened by the necessity that we attempt to think like a global culture in order to resolve and upgrade how we operate. Similarly to the weather: we finally have to confront that this is all one planet, like it or not: there is nowhere else to go.

Our engagement now with these two situations - global economics, global weather - I think will be seen as our watershed moment in a couple hundred years. I am a designated optimist, so there's that. However, the demand right now that we work together requires accountability from everyone to everyone, no one left out anymore. We are overdue for this. I wish it weren't happening while I was around, but I am around. Keeping the big picture in mind, not yielding to panic, and reminding people we've been through difficult times before.

Stronger opinions re China and the US/West's addiction to their cheaply made merchandise and to consumerism (especially after Sarbajit's comments re cell phones), and the Tea Party will wait until I see if anyone picks this thread up.
Yes, I read Tom Friedman.


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Doug Roberts

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Doug Roberts

505-455-7333 - Office
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Doug Roberts

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505-670-8195 - Cell

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