terminal edge of white dense viscious liquid flow from Bodafon
Mountain, and shiney blue-black glazes on rocks, Isle of Anglesey, NW
Wales, UK: Rich Murray 2011.09.08

terminal edge of white dense viscious liquid flow from Bodafon
Mountain, Isle of Anglesey, NW Wales, UK: Rich Murray 2011.09.04

Isle of Anglesey, NW Wales, UK

53.352683   -4.293707   .110 km el,
flat land to N is .090 km el, so edge is 20 m high

Is Bodafon Mountain itself an white ejecta splash?

View from Bodafon Mountain, North Wales
By Mike Hays (ground photo shows top white bedrocks)
53.344008    -4.295070  .159 km el,
road to E is .115 km el

view from ground

View from the trig point at the summit of Mynydd Bodafon
By PaulXLE

View South of Bodafon
By AngharadPixy

Bodafon's ass
By  AngharadPixy

Mynydd Bodafon
By xenostral (view down to lake to SW)

Snowdonia from Mynydd Bodafon
By M Art

long pond .125 km long
53.326345    -4.307643 .089 km el

pond .15 km long oval
53.305636   -4.264172  .078 km el

white rock quarry nearby to SW

more geoablation in Isle of Anglesey, Wales UK -- huge number photos
via Geograph --  white piles -- shiney blue-black glazes in Paul Kabrna
2011 geology tour: Rich Murray 2011.09.05

Hello Paul Kabna,

I'm one of a few geologically untrained amateurs who present worldwide
surface evidence of geoablation via directed high pressure and very
high temperature gas jets from air bursts of 35 km/sec fragments 13 Ka
BP as Earth moved for an hour through the 3.5 year solar orbit of the
Taurid ice comet stream -- see cosmictusk.com for an intelligent blog
that presents evidence and discussion for both sides of this

I hope at least to enlist your amused, tolerant, curious appraisal of
abundant evidence from your home turf.

within mutual service,  Rich Murray
Skype rich.murray11


The geology of Anglesey is notably complex and is frequently used for
geology field trips by schools and colleges. Younger strata in
Anglesey rest upon a foundation of very old Precambrian rocks that
appear at the surface in four areas:...

[ This is a detailed summary with references for conventional views --
however, air burst torch geoablation can blast, melt, and glaze
surface rocks and strata, vividly shaping and marking them as recently
as 13 Ka BP, regardless of how ancient they are.

This gives amateurs fairly free rein to explore innovative geological
scouting with satellite views and attention to largely overlooked
surface evidence -- notably shiney blue-black glazes.

It would be highly productive to examine these glazes on the
microscale for evidence of transient high pressure and very high
temperature gas torches above 1700 deg C, hot enough to melt SiO2, as
well as identifying chemical and isotopic markers to allow worldwide
surveys. ]

An ejecta splash sheet? --

terminal edge of white dense viscious liquid flow N from Mynydd
Bodafon mountain, Isle of Angelsey, NW Wales, UK:

53.352683   -4.293707   .110 km el,
flat land to N is .090 km el, so edge is 20 m high,
.35 km EW wide by .15 km NS long of exposed white rock

[ Geograph helps anyone post thousands of fine ground geology photos
for public view on the Net, with excellent search and sharing features

www.geograph.co.uk : photos of Mynydd Bodafon and surrounding area
4925 ground views within 10 km


the SW top of the white edge is in:

near to [ SE of ] Brynrefail, ISLE OF ANGLESEY/SIR YNYS MON, Great Britain

[WGS84: 53:21.1610N 4:17.6224W]
Datum: Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936
Easting/Northing: 247430,386430
Grid Reference: SH47438643

SH4786 : The eastern flank of the Bodafon intrusive rock outcrop
near to Brynrefail, Isle of Anglesey/Sir Ynys Mon, Great Britain
The Mynydd Bodafon mass is formed of intrusive igneous rocks.
 © Copyright Eric Jones and licensed for reuse under this Creative
Commons Licence.

SH4786 : The summit of the eastern outcrop of intrusive igneous rocks
near to Brynrefail, Isle of Anglesey/Sir Ynys Mon, Great Britain

SH4684 : Rock outcrop on Mynydd Bodafon

SH4685 : View across to Llyn Bodafon and Pen-y-castell
view to N

[ 53.340293    -4.303458
.12 km long pond .14 km el,
.6 km pond to W .3 km .118 km el,

The Lake at Mynydd Bodafon (3 ground photos)
By M Art, shows lawn to N at .144 km el,  to steep white ridge of
hilltop -- a blast rim?
Or the edge of an impact white ejecta pile?

also named Llyn Bodafon,
hill to N is Pen-y-castell ]

SH4685 : The eastern summit of Pen-y-castell
NWN of Llyn Bodafon (The Lake at Bodafon)

SH4785 : The western slope of Yr Arwydd from Y Bwlch

[ here are 5 photos showing shiney blue-black glazes... ]


Geology of Anglesey

Field Meeting : Friday to Sunday, 10 - 12 June 2011
[ report by Paul Kadrna <paul_kab...@hotmail.com>
"Rodina Kabrnova" ]


1. Friday
Lligwy Bay [SH 492 873];
Parys Mountain [SH 437 904]

2. Saturday
Trwyn y Parc    [SH 374 937];
Llanbadrig  [SH 375 945];
Ogof Gynfor [SH 378 947]

3. Sunday
Llanddwyn Island [SH 405 634];
Marquess of Anglesey Monument [SH 536 716]

[ The third from last photo, Site 4, shows what I call thin shiney
blue-black glaze on blueschist rocks at the base of the  Marquess of
Anglesey Monument [SH 536 716]

53.220704   -4.198398  53 m el ]

"The blueschist exposed in the crags around the base of the column are
Precambrian in age and as such are one of the oldest and quite
probably the oldest assemblage of blueschists in the world.
It is formed under high pressure and low temperature.
Usually these rocks continue their journey down the subduction zone
where their blueschist mineralogy is obliterated."

Craven and Pendle Geological Society


© Craven & Pendle Geological Society

Newborough (Niwbwrch)

[ Here again, shiney blue-black glaze on various rocks, in photos 2, 4, and 5...
Llanddwyn Island, Precambrian rocks, pillow lava, 1X.4 km size
53.135166    -4.414789 ]

Pillow Basalt Lavas of Llanddwyn Island (SH 390 630)

[ Notice the many cautious, tentative attributions... ]

...Having walked to Llanddwyn Island you will see some of the best
examples of oceanic basaltic pillow lavas in the UK.
It is the type locality of Greenly’s 'Spilitic Lavas', which form part
of the Gwna Group mélange - the youngest unit in the Monian

On the island the rocks are steeply dipping to vertical lavas,
limestones and other sedimentary rocks trending the length of the
isthmus in a NNE - SSW direction.
This site is excellent for demonstrating the nature of basaltic pillow
lavas as erupted on the sea bed.
There is evidence to suggest that they have a deep water origin as
they are associated with cherts and micritic limestones.
The pillow structures allow the way-up of the sequence to be worked
out and in this case they seem to young towards the south-east.
There are sandstones, shales, and superb red jaspery cherts whose age
has proved to be quite controversial since possible Cambrian
micro-fossils were discovered in them.

The Gwna Group on Llanddwyn Island is much more than just a series of
spectacular pillow lavas.
There are dolerite dykes, and
rocks belonging to the Tyfry Formation (dark green fine-grained sandstones,
Limestone commonly mixed with basalt (pale pink and cream limestones
frequently mixed with brecciated basalt), and
Bedded Jaspery Cherts (perhaps the best example of deep-water cherts
in North Wales).

The tectonic setting of these beds is still an area of intense discussion.
The basaltic lavas and breccias are perhaps ancient remnants of the
ocean floor that may have got caught up in the accretionary prism in
the subduction zone.
The Tyfry Formation may have been laid down on the sea bed in a basin
setting above the accretionary prism....

2. http://www.kabrna.com/cpgs/anglesey/images/llanddwyn_03.jpg

4. http://www.kabrna.com/cpgs/anglesey/images/llanddwyn_05.jpg

5. http://www.kabrna.com/cpgs/anglesey/images/llanddwyn_06.jpg

[ more shiney blue-black glaze... ]

Pillow lava outcrop in Newborough Forest

Let's play this for mutual fun,  Rich Murray

10 m broken rock hill with black glazes, W of Rancho Alegre Road, S of
Coyote Trail, W of Hwy 14, S of Santa Fe, New Mexico,
tour of 50 photos 1 MB size each via DropBox:
Rich Murray 2011.07.28 2011.08.03
photos 3-5 of 50

vast geoablation in Argentina, craters from SW to NE -- Cox re
Boslough bursts: Rich Murray 2011.07.31

unique erratic 3 m rock, complex mixed composition, and many possibly
related airburst features W of Vaughn, New Mexico:
Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.11.26
12 photos of 3 m erratic rock 09-NOV-10 11:10:48 WP128 3 m rock,
34.600080 -105.342566 1.900 km el,
just S of SR 60 US 285, 8 km W of SR 54,
15 km W of Vaughn, NM, 57 km E of Laguna Del Perro impact field,
unique erratic 3 m rock, complex mixed composition.

Richat Structure, Mauritania -- Cox geoablation via Boslough comet
fragment air burst directed 6,000 K high pressure directed jets: Rich
Murray 2011.08.17

geoablation may have formed and/or glazed this rise from .405 to .480
km -- any samples of this putative blue-black glaze?
20.942700   -11.574150

Pierson Barretto gives best amateur site for worldwide evidence for
Holocene impacts: Rich Murray 2011.09.06

Pierson Barretto, a retired architech and long-time amateur astronomer
in Brazil, has completely surpassed Dennis Cox, Rich Murray, Michael
Davias, and other amateurs for the most convincing, detailed, and
dramatic introduction to worldwide evidence for Holocene impacts.

IMPACT CRATER Scars and Palaeolagoons
Under Continuous Construction
This site is dedicated to a new approach on solar system astrophysics,
archaeology, paleontology, archaeoastronomy, climate studies, water
resources and environmental evolution from the End-Pleistocene and
The site shares some clues about craters, scars, palaeolagoons and
their possible cosmic origin...

blog for all point of view, now sharing major progress re mainstream research

within mutual service,  Rich Murray

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Skype audio, video rich.murray11

http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive


group with 118 members, 1,625 posts in a public archive


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