For folks interested in /.'s unusual (i.e. not all rants) comments, see:

Several of the /.ers read the research in reasonable detail.

        -- Owen

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Douglas Roberts <>wrote:

> The speed of light is relative, apparently.
> Actually, I'm betting on measurement error.  As was pointed out on
> Slashdot, it would only take a few centimeters of wire not properly taken
> into account to cause this apparent result.
> --Doug
> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Owen Densmore <>wrote:
>> So the speed of light differs depending on medium, right?  Is this also
>> true for neutrinos?  If so, change in materials in the path could possibly
>> make a difference.  The study was through the earth, not via conduits.
>> Sounds like a question for Howel White tomorrow!
>>         -- Owen
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Douglas Roberts <>wrote:
>>> Of that you can be absolutely sure.
>>> --Doug
>>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Tom Johnson <> wrote:
>>>> Sigh.  I guess there really are NO absolutes in this universe of ours.
>>>> -tj
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> --
> Doug Roberts
> <>
> 505-455-7333 - Office
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