Have any of us tried Google Play yet?

I am surprised how sophisticated the site is.  It has a "Amazon-y" feel:
books, music, movies and so on.

But after downloading the desktop music manager app, it failed to begin
uploading the media.  It also did not allow DRM'd music .. i.e. iTunes
music that on my desktop had not been updated via iCloud to the newer
versions of the music (DRM-free)

Let me know what your experiences are.

   -- Owen

On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:58 AM, drew einhorn <drew.einh...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net>wrote:
>> Well now, we have several music in the cloud facilities: iTunes, iCloud,
>> Amazon, and now Google.  Oh, and also Dropbox and other web
>> storage facilities.
>> Its early days yet, but I wonder how folks are going to deal with choice.
>>  Use more than one for greater storage?  Use the one they've already used a
>> bit?  Be feature driven?  Cost?
> So far I haven't gotten past dropbox and free.
> Dropbox has one feature on the android client that sounds good it theory
> but in practice I have not gotten it to work well.
> You can either download files to your sdcard or stream them from the
> dropbox servers. You see the streamable files through the dropbox client
> and can play them from there.  But the streamable files are not visible
> from within the players I have  tried.  So a lot of things don't work.
> Maybe I'm just not smart enough to configure things correctly.
> IIRC one (or more) of them have a nifty stunt where they recognize the
>> album on your computer, and "upload instantly" .. i.e. give you access to
>> the one already there!  Nifty use of replication.
> Can the RIAA, MPAA recognize everything on your computer?
> If they twist dropbox's arm hard enough they might be able to recognize
> everything in your dropbox.
> But I don't think they can see beyond that.
> Now if a cloud music provider's app scans your hard drive ...
> Some people have had false impressions that the encryption used by dropbox
> and other cloud providers
> would protect you from the IP Gestapo's eyes.
>> Anyone of us using these yet .. especially on mobile devices?  What do
>> you think of them?
>>    -- Owen
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: <noreply-mu...@google.com>
>> Date: Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 8:16 PM
>> Subject: Google Music - Product Update
>> To: odensm...@gmail.com
>>            [image: Google Music]
>> <http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/MdWCbc8VOrahdr>
>> Dear Music Beta user,
>> We're excited to announce that Music Beta by Google is officially
>> graduating from beta today! Google Music will remain a free service, and
>> you can continue to store up to 20,000 songs in your personal music
>> library. Please see the revised Terms of 
>> Service<http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/MQ7AOkmDra5uYJ>for this product 
>> update.
>>   [image: Music on Android Market]
>> <http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/BlVN4MSOedJsjS>
>> Google Music also comes with a number of new features. We've launched a new
>> music store on Android 
>> Market<http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/BlVN4MSOedJsjS>that works 
>> seamlessly with Google Music. Shop on the web or your Android
>> device for millions of tracks and hundreds of free 
>> songs<http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/BzkdGxREE2OTxM>for your music 
>> library. All of your purchases are automatically stored on
>> Google Music for free (and don't count toward your 20,000 song limit). You
>> can even share a free full play of any purchase with your friends on
>> Google+.
>> For Google Music users with Android phones and tablets running version
>> 2.2+, you will automatically receive an updated version of Android Market
>> with the music store over the next few days. You should also receive a
>> system notification with the Music app update sometime today, but you can
>> always download it 
>> immediately<http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/Wphya1iSEKxDkk>.
>>   [image: Google Music App]
>> <http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/Wphya1iSEKxDkk>
>> For more information on these changes, please check out these links:
>>    - Help Center <http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/EReJqCaoSfNZF5>
>>    - About Google Music<http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/Q256INxYNTgfnn>
>> *— The Google Music Team*
>> © 2011 Google Inc.
>> 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
>> Mountain View, CA 94043
>> You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about
>> important changes to your Google Music service or account.
>>  --
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> --
> Drew Einhorn
> "You can see a lot by just looking."
>   --  Yogi Berra
>  --
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