Sorry for the late response, Russ, but thank you for your sanity.  In these
days of despising The Other, good manners are much appreciated.

A Jesuit wrote a book about interviews he had with silicon valley
engineers/scientists about religion and their attitudes towards it. (Talk
about the lion's den!)  In it he talks about The Litany.  Not one used in a
mass, but the flood of "I can't believe you believe/did XX".

He learned to stay quiet for the several minutes it took for the flood to
abate. (As the Vatican Astronomer, he's used to it, 1/2 the year in
Flagstaff, the other just south of Rome where pretty good small body
astronomy is done)

Then at the end, very gently, he had to explain: I really don't care about
these things, I only care about what I can control/be and do that the best
I can.

It was the most liberating realization of its kind for me because it was
true for me as well.

So thanks again!

   -- Owen

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Russ Abbott <> wrote:

> Doug, I don't want to pick on you, but your certificate strikes me as
> indirect bullying.
> I'm as atheistic as they come, but I know a number of people who (for
> reasons that I don't understand) take religion quite seriously.  They are
> intelligent, pleasant people, not the sort to rub their beliefs in anyone's
> face. Most are politically left of center. One has a bumper sticker that
> reads "A proud member of the religious left".
> Why pick on them? I'm sure you don't intend to. I'm sure you are making
> fun of the Rick Santorums of the world. It's just that by casting as wide a
> net as the Flying Spaghetti Monster does, it also makes fun of everyone
> with religious feelings.
> The answer someone like Sam Harris would give is that what they say is
> either false or without any shred of objective support. But the people I'm
> thinking of don't go around proclaiming their beliefs as The Truth. They go
> about their business simply wanting to experience the world through a
> different lens. The fact that I don't understand it -- and I don't; I'm
> completely mystified by their way of thinking about certain things --
> doesn't give me the right to ridicule it.
> Sorry for the rant.
> *-- Russ*
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