Physicists continue work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space,
 Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti, founders of the Space Life
Institute in Slovenia, Physics Essays 2012.04.03: Rich Murray

April 14, 2012 by Lisa Zyga

Light clocks A and B moving horizontally through space.
According to length contraction, clock A should tick faster than clock B.
In a new study, scientists argue that there is no length contraction,
and both clocks should tick at the same rate in accordance with
special relativity.
Image credit: Sorli and Fiscaletti.

( -- Philosophers have debated the nature of time long before
Einstein and modern physics.
But in the 106 years since Einstein, the prevailing view in physics
has been that time serves as the fourth dimension of space, an arena
represented mathematically as 4D Minkowski spacetime.
However, some scientists, including Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti,
founders of the Space Life Institute in Slovenia, argue that time
exists completely independent from space.
In a new study, Sorli and Fiscaletti have shown that two phenomena of
special relativity -- time dilation and length contraction -- can be
better described within the framework of a 3D space with time as the
quantity used to measure change (i.e., photon motion) in this space.

The scientists have published their article in a recent issue of Physics Essays.
The work builds on their previous articles, in which they have
investigated the definition of time as a “numerical order of material

The main concepts of special relativity -- that the speed of light is
the same in all inertial reference frames, and that there is no
absolute reference frame -- are traditionally formulated within the
framework of Minkowski spacetime.
In this framework, the three spatial dimensions are intuitively
visualized, while the time dimension is mathematically represented by
an imaginary coordinate, and cannot be visualized in a concrete way.
In their paper, Sorli and Fiscaletti argue that, while the concepts of
special relativity are sound, the introduction of 4D Minkowski
spacetime has created a century-long misunderstanding of time as the
fourth dimension of space that lacks any experimental support.
They argue that well-known time dilation experiments, such as those
demonstrating that clocks do in fact run slower in high-speed
airplanes than at rest, support special relativity and time dilation
but not necessarily Minkowski spacetime or length contraction.
According to the conventional view, clocks run slower at high speeds
due to the nature of Minkowski spacetime itself as a result of both
time dilation and length contraction. But Sorli and Fiscaletti argue
that the slow clocks can better be described by the relative velocity
between the two reference frames, which the clocks measure, not which
the clocks are a part of.
In this view, space and time are two separate entities.

“With clocks we measure the numerical order of motion in 3D space,”
Sorli told
“Time is 'separated' from space in a sense that time is not a fourth
dimension of space.
Instead, time as a numerical order of change exists in a 3D space.
Our model on space and time is founded on measurement and corresponds
better to physical reality.”

To illustrate the difference between the two views of time, Sorli and
Fiscaletti consider an experiment involving two light clocks.
Each clock's ticking mechanism consists of a photon being reflected
back and forth between two mirrors, so that a photon's path from one
mirror to the other represents one tick of the clock.
The clocks are arranged perpendicular to each other on a platform,
with clock A oriented horizontally and clock B vertically.
When the platform is moved horizontally at a high speed, then
according to the length contraction phenomenon in 4D spacetime, clock
A should shrink so that its photon has a shorter path to travel,
causing it to tick faster than clock B.
But Sorli and Fiscaletti argue that the length contraction of clock A
and subsequent difference in the ticking rates of clocks A and B do
not agree with special relativity, which postulates that the speed of
light is constant in all inertial reference frames.
They say that, keeping the photon speed the same for both clocks, both
clocks should tick at the same rate with no length contraction for
clock A.
They mathematically demonstrate how to resolve the problem in this way
by replacing Minkowski 4D spacetime with a 3D space involving Galilean
transformations for three spatial coordinates X, Y, and Z, and a
mathematical equation (Selleri's formalism) for the transformation of
the velocity of material change, which is completely independent of
the spatial coordinates.

Sorli explained that this idea that both photon clocks tick at the
same rate is not at odds with the experiments with flying clocks and
other tests that have measured time dilation.
This difference, he says, is due to a difference between photon clocks
and atom-based clocks.
“The rate of photon clocks in faster inertial systems will not slow
down with regard to the photon clocks in a rest inertial system
because the speed of light is constant in all inertial systems,” he
“The rate of atom clocks will slow down because the 'relativity' of
physical phenomena starts at the scale of pi mesons.”

He also explained that, without length contraction, time dilation
exists but in a different way than usually thought.
“Time dilatation exists not in the sense that time as a fourth
dimension of space dilates and as a result the clock rate is slower,”
he explained.
“Time dilatation simply means that, in a faster inertial system, the
velocity of change slows down and this is valid for all observers.
GPS confirms that clocks in orbit stations have different rates from
the clocks on the surface of the planet, and this difference is valid
for observers that are on the orbit station and on the surface of the
So interpreted, 'time dilatation' does not require 'length
contraction,' which as we show in our paper leads to a contradiction
by the light clocks differently positioned in a moving inertial

He added that the alternative definition of time also agrees with the
notion of time held by the mathematician and philosopher Kurt Gödel.
“The definition of time as a numerical order of change in space is
replacing the 106-year-old concept of time as a physical dimension in
which change runs,” Sorli said. “We consider time being only a
mathematical quantity of change that we measure with clocks.

This is in accord with a Gödel view of time.
By 1949, Gödel had produced a remarkable proof:
'In any universe described by the theory of relativity, time cannot exist.'

Our research confirms Gödel's vision:
time is not a physical dimension of space through which one could
travel into the past or future.”

In the future, Sorli and Fiscaletti plan to investigate how this view
of time fits with the broader surroundings.
They note that other researchers have investigated abolishing the idea
of spacetime in favor of separate space and time entities, but often
suggest that this perspective is best formulated within the framework
of an ether, a physical medium permeating all of space.

In contrast, Sorli and Fiscaletti think that the idea can be better
modeled within the framework of a 3D quantum vacuum.
Rather than viewing space as a medium that carries light, light's
propagation is governed by the electromagnetic properties (the
permeability and permittivity) of the quantum vacuum.

“We are developing a mathematical model where gravity is a result of
the diminished energy density of a 3D quantum vacuum caused by the
presence of a given stellar object or material body,” Sorli said.
“Inertial mass and gravitational mass have the same origin: diminished
energy density of a quantum vacuum.
This model gives exact calculations for the Mercury perihelion
precession as calculations of the general theory of relativity.”

More information: Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti. “Special theory
of relativity in a three-dimensional Euclidean space.” Physics Essays:
March 2012, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 141-143. DOI:
© 2012 Phys.Org

Physics Essays
March 2012, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 141-143
$ 25 to access for 30 days

Journal Information
ISSN    0836-1398

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Article Citation:

Amrit Sorli and Davide Fiscaletti (2012)
Special theory of relativity in a three-dimensional Euclidean space.
Physics Essays: March 2012, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 141-143.
Special theory of relativity in a three-dimensional Euclidean space

Amrit Sorli a) and Davide Fiscaletti b)
Space Life Institute,
Gorenja Trebuša 79,
Slap ob Idrijci 5283, Slovenia


In the 20th century, physicists have understood space and time as
being coupled into a space-time manifold, a fundamental arena in which
everything takes place.
Space-time was considered to have three spatial dimensions and one
temporal dimension.
Out of the experimental facts, one can conclude that time t we measure
with clocks is only a numerical order of duration of motion, i.e.
material change in a three-dimensional space.
This view allows description of electromagnetic phenomena in a
three-dimensional Euclidean space.

Au cours du 20ème siècle, la physique comprenait l'espace et le temps
comme étant jumelés en “espace-temps” variés, une arène fondamentale
où tout prend place.
On croyait espace-temps avoir trois dimensions spatiales et une
dimension temporelle.
À partir des données expérimentales on peut conclure que le temps t --
mesuré au moyen d'horloges -- n'est qu'un ordre numérique de durée de
motion, c'est-à-dire changement matériel dans un espace
Ce point de vue rend possible la description de phénomènes
électromagnétiques dans un espace d'Euclide tridimensionnel.

Key words: Space-Time, Space, Time, Numerical Order of Motion, Photon

Received: October 5, 2011; Accepted: January 13, 2012 ;Published
Online: April 3, 2012


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