I presume ~Flow is pronounced tilde-Flow, a sort of dyslexic pun, I

My C++ heritage can't stop reading this as Flow destructor, however
:). Maybe that might even be appropriate, depending on how efficient
it is at extracting energy.


On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 01:30:06PM -0600, Tom Johnson wrote:
> Interesting simulation/data viz project.
> http://www.flowmill.org/tyne
> Concept
> Tyne is a visualisation of data from 5 sensor values recorded by ~Flow, a
> tidemill floating building on the River Tyne that generates its own power
> using a tidal waterwheel. ~Flow was initiated by Owl
> Project<http://www.owlproject.com/>and Ed Carter in collaboration with
> Modular. <http://modular.org.uk/> This data, which also drives beautifully
> built, wooden instruments and sound generators located on board of ~Flow is
> publicly available on Cosm. <https://cosm.com/feeds/46386>
> Each recording of the data captures the levels of oxygen, acidity, nitrates
> and salinity values in the water as well as the turning speed of the
> waterwheel. This set of values provides the basis for a flow simulation
> which generates a unique image per measurement.
> Particles are continuously moving from right to left, being attracted or
> repelled by four circular zones representing the sensor values. The overall
> behavior of the particles is influenced by the turning speed of the
> waterwheel. If the value of one sensor is above its mean value, particles
> are repelled. If the value is below the mean, particles are attracted
> towards the center of the zone.
> This mechanism creates slight turbulences in the stream which in turn
> produce a single image based on the drawn paths of the particles.
> -tj

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Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics      hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
University of New South Wales          http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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