I've got the tools I used to fix my screen .. it has a pentalobe as I think they're called. Also the head magnifier etc.

   -- Owen

Thanks! Between you and Guerin I'm set.... All Doug offered me was a bag of rice and a hair dryer to cook it with! Do you know he roasts his own coffee beans in a popcorn popper!?

Actually, to be fair to Doug (but why?)... I *did* try the bag-O-rice and the (gentle) heat treatment... I think it works best when the device was turned *off* (and stayed off!) immediately. I believe (like to believe?) the intimations of many on the net that operating while wet is as likely to cause corrosion/residue on the contacts from resistance-heating drying as it is to have caused some kind of dead-short. Crack case, disconnect cableage, clean contacts, reassemble, hold breath, look for stoopid tiny screws, push button, viola (or not)!

Meanwhile, I'll be happy to be converted to the cult of Android perhaps... the recent news about Apple being 100% outsourced (manufacture) to China and my loyalty to the *design* genius that was Jobs (I read his Bio... not a pretty sight! I met the man several times and knew several who knew him well... not someone to look up to in many ways.) I don't expect Apple to go the way of Sun, Dec, SGI, etc... but I think their glory days are now permanently behind us.

Google is still in some kind of ascendency, at least in business and technology if not spiritually. I'm still quite taken in by their ability to *not* focus, or to *focus on everything*! They are a true product of the new millenium for better or worse as is Amazon. I'm *still* creeped out by the (now) classic GoogleZon Epic 2014 spoof commercial/newsbite. It is amazing how well they predicted the GoogleGlut! If we make it past Dec 26 2012 (or whatever) will we make it past 2014?


- Steve

On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Steve Smith <sasm...@swcp.com <mailto:sasm...@swcp.com>> wrote:

    I dropped my iPhone in my pond while cleaning the pump filter...
    fished it out within 10 secs, it was still on, running fine, no
    obvious intrusion of water... but just to be safe I powered it
    off...  driving into town minutes later, I noticed it had powered
    back up... so I powered it down (again)... and it immediately
    powered/booted itself *again*!   Water shorting the power button?
     I went ahead and tried it's phone function and the speaker was
    not working...  but bluetooth did... then I sent a text... then I
    powered it off again... and within seconds, it was booting itself
    back up!   Half an hour later it shut itself down and hasn't been
    back up since.  I put it in a bag of rice overnight (conventional
    wisdom for drying things without an official dessicant)... still dead.

    Now I need a 5-lobe screwdriver to defeat Apple's insistence that
    I not open the case without their lawyers present...  I suppose
    they would rather I sent it to them so they can say "!not under
    warranty, water alert!" keep it for weeks and charge me an arm and
    a leg to clean any fouled contacts, maybe replace the battery, and
    then maybe decide I need a new logic board.

    So anyone have a 5 lobe (tiny, tiny, miniscule, tiny) screwdriver
    for this purpose that they can loan me?

    How about a GSM android phone to borrow while I order up a
    screwdriver and battery and a bucket of luck?   Or advice on what
    (used) model to pick up on Craigslist?  Anyone have any experience
    with the "Cocoa"?   It is apparently a "dual SIM"...

    Are GSM Androids unlocked by default (seems reasonable.. but...
    ?)...   is it an easy unlock?

    I knew I needed an OtterBox!

    - Steve

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