Pamela- Congratulations! See you there, and looking forward to it-


On Aug 1, 2012, at 2:29 PM, Pamela McCorduck wrote:

Save the date:

Pamela McCorduck will read from her new novel, Bounded Rationality, at 

Garcia Street Books, 
Saturday, August 25, at 2:00 p.m.

Bounded Rationality is the second novel in her trilogy, Santa Fe Stories, and is set here in Santa Fe. It follows the adventures of a group of people you might have met in her previous novel of this series, The Edge of Chaos.  It also introduces several major new characters. 

The themes of complexity--in both its scientific sense and its human sense--continue to prevail. Molloy, a very wealthy individual, whom readers met in in the first novel, is now determined to establish an innovative philanthropy that will follow the principles of complexity. His new friend, a world-renown architect, is following closely. That architect's son does research at the Santa Fe Institute, seeking a scientific understanding of how cities evolve, succeed, and fail; and Judith Greenwood continues to pursue her search there for the known, the unknown, and the forever unknowable in science. Though Bounded Rationality is a sequel to The Edge of Chaos, it stands alone--you don't need to read the first to enjoy the second.

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"He only earns both freedom and existence/Who must reconquer them each day"

Goethe, "Faust"

"He only earns both freedom and existence/Who must reconquer them each day"

Goethe, "Faust"

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