Sorry to be late responding .. we're getting ready for a trip to Italy for
6 weeks and boy, does that require a LOT of work!

As I understand it, you're pointing out that the catholic church was
culpably silent on the child sex scandals.  I TOTALLY agree!

I'd like to distinguish between organizations and the community.  Although
the organization failed as you say, the community did not.  There was huge
outcry by the members of the church against the culpable actions of the
organization.  Also, there was considerable outcry by the priests (as
opposed to bishops etc.)

I've had several similar but less severe differences with the church.  The
local bishop, for example, sent a memo to all his staff and priests, and
asked for it to be read at mass.  I started telling my priest about this
and he stopped me after the first words, with a vehement outburst about how
the vast majority agreed with me.  And they were later quite open about

What I have discovered about religion is that this organization vs
community is important.  All organizations out there: please raise your
hand if you are perfect!  I know a guy who had to raise his voice, via a
web site, about the Bad and Ugly at LANL.  I can point you to "liberal"
groups within most organizations which do speak out and do have
organizational leaders who do so as well.

The discussion on child abuse was so much discussed from the pulpit that I
learned a great deal.  One was a plea to protect homosexuals within the
community, child abuse is orthogonal to homosexuality.  Another was that
the  percentage of child abuse in various organizations (recently the NFL
for example) is often the same degree and handled as badly.

Any way, I see your points and agree with them.

   -- Owen

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 10:52 AM, Douglas Roberts <>wrote:

> In the spirit of not hijacking threads, yet maintaining a bit of
> continuity from the last couple of conversations:
> Well, I apparently was not clear:
> 1 - You are absolutely right about the size of gvt, love the graph, thanks!
> 2 - Obama knows this and could still the silly argument by pointing it out.
> 3 - He remains oddly quiet.
> 4 - I find this worthy of blame.
> --->  At this point I would like to reiterate a comment which received no
> response in it's original thread, in which the complaint was also being
> made there that none of the community leaders were speaking out this
> another religious outrage.  Here's the comment which garnered no response:
> *Of course, Owen, we could be asking the same thing about the "good"
> Catholic community regarding all the years of child sex abuse and coverups
> in that religion.*
> Maybe it would be easier for people to respond if this comment were turned
> into a question:
> *So, why is it that the leaders of the Catholic community have largely
> remained largely silent in the wake of repeated revaluations of rampant
> child sex abuse in their church?*
> No, the use of "rampant" was not a pun.  Child sex abuse is clearly,
> demonstrably, endemic to the Catholic way of life.  Could it possibly be
> the requirement that Catholic priests be quote *celibate *end quote* *that
> is the reason for this?
> Child sex abuse is a crime that should carry the death penalty, in my
> opinion.  The act of child rape essentially ruins a victim's life.  Yet,
> the Catholic church nearly always protects the guilty clergy member,
> stealthily moving him from parish to parish without ever warning his new
> "flock" of his deviant, harmful sexual predilections.
> Why is it, then, that the leaders of the Catholic community have remained
> largely silent on this issue, except to occasionally lash out at those who
> dare to criticize their church?
> ---> End of new thread.
> 5 - But this is still fascinating, outside of the political sphere.
> 6 - Sorry if I hijacked the thread.
> --
> Doug Roberts
> <>
> 505-455-7333 - Office
> 505-670-8195 - Cell
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