DropBox syncs files between as many computers as you like, using the cloud. 
DropBox folders can be shared with as many people as you invite. It does not 
provide its own editing capabilities.

If you want to share an Illustrator file with someone, drag it into the shared 
DropBox subfolder. It will automatically appear in the corresponding subfolder 
on the other person's computer. She can then edit it with Illustrator.

Another option is Evernote. The free version is restricted in the files it will 
allow as attachments to notes, but I understand that the paid version allows 
any file as an attachment to a note. The sharing is similar to that of DropBox; 
it is by invitation.


On Feb 20, 2013, at 3:41 AM, Gillian Densmore wrote:

> Hi all
> In light of some issues I have been running into with google drive I wondered 
> what else is out there for cloud back ups that also permits Collaboration by 
> this I meen that I want to be able to send someone a URL where documents in 
> popular formats are where they can read them and also be able to edit them. 
> I have seen some chatter about this on the list recently but I don't know 
> what places are good vs junk.
> I do have dropbox wich is awsome for somestuff I don't know if it has baked 
> in ways to allow editing of documents I tested it with a illustrator file- it 
> thought it was a picture but didn't understand the format.
> What are peoples experiences in this area? what places are good?
> -Gillian Densmore
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