LINUX.  Or, if you prefer,

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:56 PM, Nicholas Thompson <> wrote:

>  I wonder if any of you had a less drastic solution.
> ** **
> Nick ****
> ** **
> *From:* Friam [] *On Behalf Of *Steve
> Smith
> *Sent:* Saturday, March 16, 2013 9:21 PM
> *To:* The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group
> *Subject:* [FRIAM] fASCIIsm and half-ASCII users.****
> ** **
> Arlo -
> ****
> What are the points awarded/detracted for using other people's arguments?*
> ***
> ** **
> fASCIIsm - <>****
> versus****
> ** **
> -Arlo James Barnes****
> How about points for stirring Doug *and* Glen up at the same time?  Score!
> I recently noticed a fASCIIsm yet more extreme.  It is not new, but in the
> light of our whining about whether ASCII should be enough (not unlike
> whining about the time/clock change?).
> I call it half-ASCII.  When people find it too hard or unnecessary to use
> Case... and sometimes even punctuation (or correct spelling or grammar!).
> They only use (much less than) *half* of the ASCII character set.  Most
> recently, it was a woman correspondent who is not merely a regular (and
> articulate) blogger but is also a published book author.
> She began her ALL CAPS-SOUNDS-LIKE-SHOUTING message by cautioning me that
> she was NOT SHOUTING, she just preferred ALL CAPS because it was easier for
> her to SEE (apparently).   None of her books nor blog posts were written in
> ALL CAPS, so I have to assume that she has "people for that"... copy
> editors, etc. who can add all the appropriate clues to make it easy to
> gather.
> I tried, I swear I did, to not hear her message as shouting... but finally
> gave over to shoving it all into *lower case* wherein I found her to no
> longer seem to be belligerent but now rather semi-literate and timid...
> hmmm....  same *content*, different *form* and it was rather difficult
> (impossible) to read her message as she must have conceived it... the
> BELLIGERENT and the _timid_ version just didn't sound like her writing.  I
> finally settled for some mangled average between the two.  I was SHOCKED
> that someone as (otherwise) sophisticated didn't realize the effect of
> writing in ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME!  I even suspected it was a test.
> In the early days of developing WSIWYG text/graphics tools, I remember the
> shock I felt that letting people write *rough drafts* with full formatting
> yielded all kinds of unintended consequences.   This was before we fired
> all our copyeditors and even typesetters... so there were still
> professionals helping make sure the *final product* was of high quality.
> Suddenly I found myself reading (for content, not format) my peers' work
> *formatted* as if it were a finished product (with plenty of formatting
> errors along with spelling, grammar, punctuation, emphasis, nuance, etc.).
> It was really eerie!   Cognitive Dissonance.  I *longed* for a tool that
> had just enough smarts in it to not allow the rough draft to have any more
> formatting than straight ASCII, and then gradually introduce more
> sophisticated formatting as the status of the revisions evolved.   I still
> do... but it ain't happening.   I've worked with teams writing together who
> by convention eschew formatting until after the content is 90% hammered
> out.  I *much* prefer to work with formatted text myself, but don't like
> the confusion I feel when someone throws me text that is still
> "stream-of-consciousness" with "stream-of-consciousness" formatting as well
> as content.
> Unsurprisingly, I prefer CamelCode style in my code as well.  I'll cope
> with those who like to live in FLAT^H^H^HASCII-Land... and even those in
> Half-ASCII-Land... it's really only a minor inconvenience.  And while I'm
> quite capable of clicking through a weakly identified link/URL, I also
> appreciate it when the author/submitter offers a hint of why I would want
> to, where I might go, etc...
> - Steve
> ****
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* <>
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