Thrusters powered by ionic wind as efficient alternative propulsion
technology -- huge solar powered high altitude airships could spiral into
orbit in a week, using their own H2 gas as reaction mass for myriad tiny
thrusters: Rich Murray 2013.04.04

Yevgen 13 hours ago comment

Efficiency of ionic wind apparatus have been explored and published years
ago, in 2002, and optimized designs have been analysed. Collection of these
publications can be found here:

Read more at:

Thrusters powered by ionic wind may be efficient alternative to
conventional atmospheric propulsion technologies

April 3, 2013 by Jennifer Chu

When a current passes between two electrodes — one thinner than the other —
it creates a wind in the air between. If enough voltage is applied, the
resulting wind can produce a thrust without the help of motors or fuel.

 This phenomenon, called electrohydrodynamic thrust — or, more
colloquially, "ionic wind" — was first identified in the 1960s. Since then,
ionic wind has largely been limited to science-fair projects and basement
experiments; hobbyists have posted hundreds of how-to videos on building
"ionocrafts" — lightweight vehicles made of balsa wood, aluminum foil and
wire— that lift off and hover with increased voltage. Despite this wealth
of hobbyist information, there have been few rigorous studies of ionic wind
as a viable propulsion system.

Some researchers have theorized that ionic thrusters, if used as jet
propulsion, would be extremely inefficient, requiring massive amounts of
electricity to produce enough thrust to propel a vehicle.

Now researchers at MIT have run their own experiments and found that ionic
thrusters may be a far more efficient source of propulsion than
conventional jet engines. In their experiments, they found that ionic wind
produces 110 newtons of thrust per kilowatt, compared with a jet engine's 2
newtons per kilowatt.

The team has published its results in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Steven Barrett, an assistant professor of aeronautics and astronautics at
MIT, envisions that ionic wind may be used as a propulsion system for
small, lightweight aircraft. In addition to their relatively high
efficiency, ionic thrusters are silent, and invisible in infrared, as they
give off no heat — ideal traits, he says, for a surveillance vehicle. "You
could imagine all sorts of military or security benefits to having a silent
propulsion system with no infrared signature," says Barrett, who
co-authored the paper with graduate student Kento Masuyama.

Shooting the gap

A basic ionic thruster consists of three parts: a very thin copper
electrode, called an emitter; a thicker tube of aluminum, known as a
collector; and the air gap in between.
A lightweight frame typically supports the wires, which connect to an
electrical power source.
As voltage is applied, the field gradient strips away electrons from nearby
air molecules. These newly ionized molecules are strongly repelled by the
corona wire, and strongly attracted to the collector.
As this cloud of ions moves toward the collector, it collides with
surrounding neutral air molecules, pushing them along and creating a wind,
or thrust.
To measure an ion thruster's efficiency, Barrett and Masuyama built a
similarly simple setup, and hung the contraption under a suspended digital
They applied tens of thousands of volts, creating enough current draw to
power an incandescent light bulb.
They altered the distance between the electrodes, and recorded the thrust
as the device lifted off the ground.
Barrett says that the device was most efficient at producing lower thrust —
a desirable, albeit counterintuitive, result. "It's kind of surprising, but
if you have a high-velocity jet, you leave in your wake a load of wasted
kinetic energy," Barrett explains. "So you want as low-velocity a jet as
you can, while still producing enough thrust."
He adds that an ionic wind is a good way to produce a low-velocity jet over
a large area.

Getting to liftoff

Barrett acknowledges that there is one big obstacle to ionic wind
propulsion: thrust density, or the amount of thrust produced per given
area. Ionic thrusters depend on the wind produced between electrodes; the
larger the space between electrodes, the stronger the thrust produced. That
means lifting a small aircraft and its electrical power supply would
require a very large air gap. Barrett envisions that electrodynamic
thrusters for aircraft — if they worked — would encompass the entire

Another drawback is the voltage needed to get a vehicle off the ground:
Small, lightweight balsa models require several kilovolts. Barrett
estimates a small craft, with onboard instrumentation and a power supply,
would need hundreds or thousands of kilovolts. "The voltages could get
enormous," Barrett says. "But I think that's a challenge that's probably

For example, he says power might be supplied by lightweight solar panels or
fuel cells.

Barrett says ionic thrusters might also prove useful in quieter cooling
systems for laptops.

Ned Allen, chief scientist and senior fellow at Lockheed Martin Corp., says
that while ionic thrusters face serious drawbacks — particularly for
aerospace applications — the technology "offers nearly miraculous
potential." "[Electrohydrodynamic thrust] is capable of a much higher
efficiency than any combustion reaction device, such as a rocket or jet
thrust-production device," Allen says. Partly for this reason, Allen says
Lockheed Martin is looking into the technology as a potential means of
propulsion. "Efficiency is probably the number one thing overall that
drives aircraft design," Barrett says. "[Ionic thrusters] are viable
insofar as they are efficient. There are still unanswered questions, but
because they seem so efficient, it's definitely worth investigating

Journal reference: Proceedings of the Royal Society

Provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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