Very interesting!  Thanks, Rich.

It's amazing to me how biologically important formaldehyde is, not only
as a toxin, but as a naturally occurring metabolite. I don't remember
when I first heart the aphorism "The dose is the poison".  But it comes
up again and again.  All the interesting chemicals are active and have
"regimes" where they're negligible, interesting, and poisonous, at least
in healthy organisms.  Damn it.  There's that magic number 3 again. ;-)

On 04/27/2013 10:00 PM, Rich Murray wrote:
> May I venture to introduce a new candidate for a toxic cause of autism --
> briefly, methanol (wood alcohol) (about the same doses from cigarette
> smoke, aspartame, and unfresh fruits juices vegetables cut up and preserved
> wet at room temperature in sealed cans jars plastic containers) quickly
> enters the blood and travels with the blood, with half-life 3 hours, to the
> whole body and the fetus every minute -- only in 20 specific human tissues
> with high levels of ADH1 enzyme, is the methanol rapidly made into free
> floating formaldehyde right within these cells, which include the inner
> walls of brain blood vessels at the base of the brain, and also the
> Purkinje cells in the vermis of the cerebellum:
> Chapter 12 "Autism and Other Birth Defects, free at www.WhileScienceSleeps,
> Prof. Woodrow C. Monte, Food Science and Nutrition, Arizona State
> University, retired 2004, with 745 free online full text medical research
> references:
> " ... our methanol poisoned rat pups lost Purkinje cells preferentially
> from a very specific area of the cerebellum called the vermis.  This meant
> little to me at the time but it has now been discovered the cerebellum is
> known to be preferentially damaged in human autism, 622   and the vermis
> 570 and hippocampus are the particular areas of the cerebellum most damaged
> and reduced in volume by the disease. 571 ..."
> 12 page full text

glen  =><= Hail Eris!

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