Glen -
I guess at this point, I've proposed a model that is not particularly
well validated (by me)... but then that is usually what this level of
discussion consists of doesn't it?  Speculation about what models
*might* have some validity and how they *might* be tested and maybe some
anecdotal dogpiles to support/contradict the models proposed?
It seems the norm for this mailing list.  But other communities can be
more tolerant of deeper exploration.  I'm not addicted to "closure".
But I do seek it out and appreciate it when I find it.  (I've really
enjoyed Arlo's recent resurrections.)
I would suggest that the norm for this mail list tends to stop at proposing a model very informally with some occasional argument pro and con and an occasional reference to scholarly work by someone. That satisfies me most of the time, though *more* would always be welcome. I appreciate both your and Arlo's deeper questioning of my informal suggestion of a model.

- Steve

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