What is AgentScript? A kind of NetLogo in Javascript, jQuery, or CoffeeScript ? 
Sounds interesting. 


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-------- Original message --------
From: Owen Densmore <o...@backspaces.net> 
To: Complexity Coffee Group <friam@redfish.com> 
Subject: [FRIAM] Fwd: jashkenas/journo · GitHub 
I realize our recent discussions have been away from tech, but this is an 
interesting blend, so its here rather than wedtech.

First of all, I decided that the bloat of current CMSs was ugly so wanted a 
clean, easily programmable blog engine.  Jeremy Ashkenas was of like mind and 
being one of the JS heros, he decided to write a blog engine, Journo, in <500 
lines of coffeescript.

Why is this interesting?
- Culturally, he has so embraced Don Knuth's Literate Programming idea, that I 
bet most folks looking at the url above didn't notice that it is the actual 
program for Journo.  Seriously, it reads like a "readme" for a project.  Nope.  
It IS the project!
- Jeremy is serious about a whole new way of programming.  And even in the open 
source world, he's found a way to monazite his work: he does code reading for a 
fee.  We've made contact with him and are going to have AgentScript reviewed by 
him for $2.5K.
- Most blogs/CMSs have become such bloatware that even the sophisticated 
user/programmer cannot manage it or modify it.  It is not "theirs".  Indeed, 
the configuration tasks overwhelm the actual program.
- 500 lines of code.  And the assumption you can read it, understand it, and 
modify it.
- BTW: the 1.0 release of agentscript is coming in at just a bit over 900 lines 
of code and it really does provide a NetLogo equivalent system.
- This is a, dare I say it, paradigm shift.  Woo Woo!  But really, Jeremy has 
entered a new era where you can code anything from your mainframe to your watch 
with the same infrastructure.

So when you can't really distinguish between your documentation and your code 
.. maybe this is a Good Thing?

Anyway, Back to our regularly scheduled programming.  Hmmm...

   -- Owen

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