Hmm… isn't this kinda self-selecting? Is it any surprise that the central
node in the network derived from the metadata in Paul Revere's Ride is Paul
Revere? (Hint: the clue is in the title.)

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Tom Johnson <> wrote:

>  Sniffing out Paul Revere with basic social network 
> analysis<>
> Jun 13, 2013 03:07 am
> [image: Paul Revere Network]
> It's *just* metadata. What can you do with that? Kieran Healy, a
> sociology professor at Duke University, shows what you can do, with just
> some basic social network 
> analysis<>.
> Using metadata from Paul Revere's 
> Ride<>on
>  the groups that people belonged to, Healy sniffs out Paul Revere as a
> main target. Bonus points for writing the summary from the point of a view
> of an 18th century analyst.
> What a nice picture! The analytical engine has arranged everyone neatly,
> picking out clusters of individuals and also showing both peripheral
> individuals and—more intriguingly—people who seem to bridge various groups
> in ways that might perhaps be relevant to national security. Look at that
> person right in the middle there. Zoom in if you 
> wish<>.
> He seems to bridge several groups in an unusual (though perhaps not unique)
> way. His name is Paul Revere.
> You can grab the R code and dataset on 
> github<>,
> too, if you want to follow along.
> -tj
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