One thing to consider is "mobile" .. i.e. do you want this to work across a
wide range of devices: phones, tablets, laptops etc.  If so, you'll need to
consider various options for "responsive design", .. i.e a design that
automatically adjusts to the device and its screen size.  Ditto for "touch"
vs "mouse" (good libraries for that).

If not, there are a few of us (Ben L. for example) who've used Angular for
a nice interface, including event binding and UI elements .. which he
integrated with Firebase (a web service syncing events and JSON data across
devices, very cool indeed).

You'll also need to consider the whole client/server thing .. how much do
you want to do on the client vs how much on the server.  I've been amazed
recently how nifty nodejs is.  I've had to use it for desktop use recently,
and am surprised how sophisticated it is.  Ex: I've replaced Make with Cake
(a coffeescript/node stunt that gives you pretty nice workflow tools).

DB, an issue, right?  Firebase can help for fairly simply DBish tasks ..
think of JSON in the cloud.  SimTable is successfully using it.  And there
is a Node/CouchDB library.

Finally, if you really want to go hyper modern, consider JS all the way.
 And a good tool is CoffeeScript which compiles down to JS and is
completely integrated into Node.  Your code size (Lines of Code) will be
about 1/3 native JS.

   -- Owen

On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Gary Schiltz <>wrote:

> I'm starting to develop (as an unpaid volunteer) an application for the
> local medical clinic, and I'd like to deploy it as a browser application
> ("rich internet app"). Of course, I cold just use plain old HTML and CSS,
> but I'd like it to be much more interactive, basically like a desktop
> application. It would seem the best (for some definition of good :-)
> technology for the job would be JavaScript on the front-end (although I
> could do it in Java with Swing or JavaFX and deliver it as a JNLP app).
> Anyway, does anyone here have any preferences for a GUI toolkit for
> JavaScript? So far, I've been looking at Dojo, JQuery, YUI, Ext JS, and the
> Google Closure library. As I'm pretty new to the whole JS world, I'm
> thoroughly confused (maybe that means that I'm on the right track :-). I'd
> really appreciate feedback.
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