I've inherited a MacBookPro laptop from Owen- a bit low on ram for my
liking, some google-fu showed that newegg sells Kingston ram for this
beuty- for 80 dollars before shipping (8 gigs-two 4 gig sticks)-
Since I want to use this while visiting my aunt in tocoma/seatle area one
part to help my aunt with her website- one part for entertainment:

What's a good amount of ram for the adobe ecology to run as well as can be
expected on this critter- cheaply?
Where can I get that in town?
Years ago when I had a sigificantly older laptop I went to buyos(sp)- but
times have changed in computing and santa fe:
Does bestbuy sell ram for this guy?


Voice assistant software use has gotten me curius about the world of
Machine Learning and AI's- With lots of books on the Amazon Market- what
should I look for in a populist book because I'd like to learn more about
What kind of google-fu search terms should I use to find blogs, mail lists
(just to lurk on)?

Thanks in advance!
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