Looking at Donald Graham, Bezos must have imagined by purchasing the
newspaper, that he could at least ameliorate that fate for the Grahams. He
must also have imagined that he could gather the best minds at his
disposal, from hotshot web designers and technical officers to accountants
and efficiency troubleshooters, to try to find a way not just to save The
Post, but to build and reinvent a premier national news organization that
could survive even the destruction of its own industry.

-- rec --

On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Gillian Densmore <>wrote:

> Hmm ok that's interesting distinction.
> On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Pamela McCorduck <> wrote:
>> Gobbled up is strong language, Gillian. Rescued might be more like it.
>> The family that ran the Post couldn't afford to run it any more. The
>> Grahams said they were glad to sell the entity called the Washington Post
>> to someone who assured them he would run it to the same standards the
>> Grahams had used. (Now this is sad, because the WashPost in the last ten
>> years became a shadow of its best self, so "standards" are rather elastic.)
>> Bezos says he has no intention of interfering in the editorial part of
>> the paper, which may or may not be true. But the Post couldn't sustain
>> itself as it was going. Something had to give. I frankly will be fascinated
>> to see the mind that dreamed up Amazon refashion a newspaper for the 21st
>> century.
>> You might see the same thing happening to the New York Times, with Mike
>> Bloomberg talked about as the buyer. The Times is making money right now,
>> but it hasn't paid a dividend to the 83 members of the Sulzberger family in
>> two years. Some of those people are going to say hey, we aren't a charity;
>> we have to put our kids through college like everyone else. At that point,
>> a buyer may be sought.
>> Just saying.
>> Pamela
>> On Aug 6, 2013, at 1:54 PM, Gillian Densmore <>
>> wrote:
>> > I heard on public TV that amazon gobled up the washington post-
>> > I'd like to here what other peoples thoughts that Amazon wants to the
>> washington post to sink into "e-publishing" and be more populist in
>> reguards to who can submit updates to news.
>> >
>> > To kick it off. I'm conflicted. On one hand the washington post as a
>> publication is old and might have a little bit of postive street cred under
>> that proposed model, on the other hand- will amazon fact check submissions?
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