I did a quick search through my data and there haven't been any major Skype 
vulns in a while.  There's a local privilege escalation from this last spring 
and URL snooping, but neither should result in massive Skype usage.  The Dark 
Comet Remote Access Tool (RAT) uses the Skype port and protocol to "phone 
home", so you might have a pest problem.  Even worse, a vulnerability was 
published last fall for getting in to the Dark Comet RAT via it's use of Skype 
- so if you have Dark Comet, someone could be breaking it to get into your 

I'd do an off-line, boot from CD/DVD, virus scan with your anti-virus of choice.

The Jet Pack provides a wireless access point - could someone be piggybacking 
on that?  What's your WiFi security?

Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
NIPR: rcpa...@sandia.gov<mailto:rcpa...@sandia.gov>
SIPR: rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov<mailto:rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov> (send 
NIPR reminder)
JWICS: dopa...@doe.ic.gov<mailto:dopa...@doe.ic.gov> (send NIPR reminder)

On Sep 6, 2013, at 5:03 PM, Nick Thompson wrote:

Hi, everybody,

I have a Verizon jet pack for my internet here in Massachusetts and every once 
in a while huge charges have appeared on my usage, apparent downloads of a 
gigabyte scale of magnitude.  I complained to Verizon and they did an analysis 
of my record and tell me that these are VOIP usages.  Their suspicion is that 
some teenager in my house is using the box to make phone calls over skype.   
But there is no teenager in my house and no other house within an eighth of a 
mile.  Is it possible that some Trojan is using skype to communicate.  Why?  
What would be the benefit to the hacker.  Using my computer for what?  In any 
case, I have murdered skype.  Is there any other abuse of the voip protocol 
that could be going on in my computer?  Can I disable voip altogether on my 
machine?   My service costs ten dollars a gig, so this is not a small matter 
for me.  Anybody have any thoughts?


Nicholas S. Thompson
Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology
Clark University

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