Greetings fellow technomancers,

   I don't know if it's a trojan, spyware, worm or other. As per normal
with windows some VEQ thought it may be funny to attempt to infect a
picture of Warf the famous klingon(ST:TNG).
Nothing new for the..unique. elk..of vandles in winderz land:
Thus leading to several questions:
What anti-virus and firewall(s?) actually work for windows?
Would it be worth back up my all my stuff- to a external drive somehow to
Clean install the entire system (UGH!) and or:
Move on to Linux
That part wouldn't happen untill after i'm done with this semester.
What External HDs are badass fast, can act like time machine?
With linux I have lots of questions from more experience users:
What's the Linux landscape looklike these days? The last time I LOVED linux
was running arch, around kernel version 2.5 - with a computer my brother
kindly let me borrow. I was on KDE 3 something. Flash was a tossup.
Mplayer was doing it's best to cover sound on web-pages.

However these days I use  quite a bit of illustrator  photoshop.
And to get something vaguely resembling some downtime and a low-grade
social life I play world of warcraft, and Star Drek Online.
 It's my understanding to use those it's best to set up vmware. I don't
know if that's still the case.

I know the linux landscape has change alot since kernel 2.5 and KDE 3.
Since Ubuntu/Kubuntu are seen with gamers as fun- in that they have not
real virii to deel with, and NVidia officially, actively and proudly
supports linux.

I'd love to get some input.
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