Great input, thanks!

I admit to being a browser fan-boy just because, beyond needing a "modern
browser", its config-free.

But I'm definitely open to zero-config of any sort.  Will report.

BTW: The linear algebra course the MOOC is modeled after uses Strang's
Linear Algebra.

Tom: (10/11/09) you're right, it IS "idiosyncratic" but I found it
compelling, the parts I followed from his video lectures and using his book.

   -- Owen

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 11:56 AM, Gary Schiltz <>wrote:

> Here’s a new slogan off the top of my head: “If it isn’t virtual, it isn’t
> real.” :-)
> I use VMWare Fusion on my MacBook Pro, although I’ve generally been
> impressed with VirtualBox (the price is certainly right).
> Lately, I’ve been using a VM within a VM. I need to maintain an app on
> some Windows boxes, but don’t have one myself (don’t want one). To maintain
> the app, it is easiest to give them a solution that runs in a VM in one of
> said Windows boxes. To do so, I run Windows on my Mac inside Fusion. I then
> tried running Ubuntu under VirtualBox in this virtualized Windows box, but
> Ubuntu wouldn’t boot. It could be that if the outer host (i.e. my Mac) were
> running VirtualBox instead of Fusion, it would work, but I haven’t tried
> that. Instead, I run VMWare Player (the free, as in beer, not as in
> freedom, software) inside this virtualized Windows box and Ubuntu runs fine
> there. Surprisingly good performance, for a simple LAMP stack running in
> this double virtualized environment.
> Anyway, life without virtualization would be a whole lot less interesting.
> Gary
> On Dec 6, 2013, at 12:54 PM, Joshua Thorp <> wrote:
> > This is exaclty how we operate at my company and I have found it to be
> an incredible time saver.  The alternative requires detective work to solve
> every problem for every user.  If everyone is using the same Vagrant box
> then solving the problems of one user can be applied to all of the other
> users.
> >
> > I know python is a prime offender on this kind of configuration issues,
>  but this technique is wonderful for many different sorts of software
> packages…  In one go you can have a complete system up and running with
> potentially many different pieces of software properly configured and
> running…  The instructions typically go,  install virtual box, install
> vagrant, clone this repo,  type “vagrant up”… and you are running.
> >
> > —joshua
> >
> > On Dec 6, 2013, at 10:36 AM, Owen Densmore <> wrote:
> >
> >> Just curious.  Has anyone knowledge of this course and/or the
> school/instructors?
> >>
> >>
> >> One interesting thing in the FAQ was computer requirements:
> >> What software do I need for the course?
> >> We will utilize VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Git, which are available for
> free. We have configured a virtual machine for download to ensure that all
> participants have the same software and environment. With it, you will
> create a small linear algebra package using Python 3 and iPython Notebooks.
> Detailed, easy instructions will explain how to download, install, and use
> the software. If you are registered for the course, you will receive an
> email alerting you when these instructions become available. You will be
> able to access them at least a week before the course begins. (Don't be
> intimidated by the jargon. We'll get you through it.)
> >>
> >> That, on the one hand, is extraordinarily sophisticated, on the other
> hand a comment on just how hard it is to configure a desktop environment
> for class material.
> >>
> >> Imagine telling someone that you'll have to have a computer within a
> computer configured correctly to run the Python packages you'll be using!
> >>
> >> I was more impressed by Stanford's Machine Learning class that just
> said: Install either MatLab or Octave.  All our code will work with that.
> >>
> >>    -- Owen
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