Iain gave a nice talk to Friam back in 2006:


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On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Tom Johnson <t...@jtjohnson.com> wrote:

> Apologies if you have seen this, but if not you may find it of interest.
> -Tom Johnson
> On Feb 15, 2014 5:49 PM, "Michael Lissack" <michael.liss...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Home <http://www.newscientist.com/> |Physics & 
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>>  Mind meld: The genius of swarm thinking
>>    - 04 February 2014 by *Michael 
>> Brooks*<http://www.newscientist.com/search?rbauthors=Michael+Brooks>
>>    - Magazine issue 2954 <http://www.newscientist.com/issue/2954>. *Subscribe
>>    and 
>> save*<http://subscription.newscientist.com/bundles/bundles.php?promCode=6458&packageCodes=PTA&offerCode=Q>
>>  Video: Group genius: Why fish are smarter in 
>> swarms<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vIRxUIs7N0>
>> *When animals swarm they exhibit a complex collective intelligence that
>> could help us build robots, heal wounds and understand the brain*
>> IAIN COUZIN does not have fond memories of field research. Early in his
>> career, he travelled to Mauritania in north-west Africa to follow a swarm
>> of locusts. Devastation caused by the insects meant no one was selling food
>> and the team was forced to live off dried camel entrails. Couzin, a
>> vegetarian at the time, was violently ill. "I was hallucinating - I thought
>> I was going to die." By the time he recovered, a huge sand storm had blown
>> in. The researchers were trapped in their tents for several days and when,
>> eventually, they emerged, the locusts had gone, blown away by the storm. "I
>> was out there for two months and I got absolutely no usable data," he says.
>> "It was the worst experience of my life."
>> Fieldwork can be difficult at the best of times, and it would appear that 
>> Couzin,
>> who is at Princeton University, <http://icouzin.princeton.edu/> is not
>> the only swarm scientist averse to it. One of the tricky things is how to
>> study the interactions between animals when their numbers are so huge. So
>> researchers have generally stayed indoors with their computer models.
>> However, these are only as good as the information you put into them, and
>> often they have not proved terribly enlightening. You can recreate
>> swarm-like behaviour without really understanding why it exists. Now,
>> though, researchers are starting to see swarms as living entities with
>> senses, motivations and evolved behaviour. From this new view is coming a
>> much better understanding of how animals act collectively.
>> This does not simply tell us about flocking birds, shoaling fish,
>> swarming locusts, and the like. It has implications for how we understand
>> all sorts of collective action. There is a limit to what a single organism
>> can compute, but the combined information-processing power of a swarm is
>> more than the sum of its parts. Applying this concept to other complex
>> systems provides insights in all sorts of areas, from fighting disease to
>> building robot swarms. It might even provide a way of thinking about the
>> human brain.
>> Perfect swarm *(Image: Viola Ago)*
>> For a long time, the standard approach to studying synchronised movement
>> was to model the animals concerned as "self-propelled particles" following
>> a few simple rules, such as "keep a body length away from your nearest
>> neighbours" and "match the speed and orientation of the organism in front".
>> This physics-led approach, which treats animals as mindless objects, is
>> almost certainly too simplistic - a point that was brought home to Couzin a
>> few years ago.
>> In an attempt to understand how locust swarms march together across an
>> area of land, he and his colleagues had built a model which represented the
>> insects as a collection of particles, rather like the atoms in a gas. To
>> coordinate movement and prevent collisions, each "particle" simply had to
>> adjust its speed and direction in response to the speed, proximity and
>> direction of its neighbours. The team's findings were published in
>> *Science* in 
>> 2006<http://icouzin.princeton.edu/wp-content/uploads/file/PDFs/Buhl%20et%20al,%202006.pdf>.
>> Only later did they discover the flaw in their model. Watching real locusts
>> in the lab, they were surprised to find fewer at the end of their
>> experiments than at the start. Far from avoiding collision, they were
>> exterminating one another as they marched. "We discovered by chance that
>> the swarm is driven by cannibalism. Everyone is trying to eat everyone else
>> while avoiding being eaten," says Couzin. "That was a real wake-up call."
>> Since then, Couzin and his collaborators have seen swarming in a
>> different light. "This isn't just about physics," he says. "These are
>> biological organisms: they're responding to sensory information."
>> Understanding this makes studying swarms more challenging because you need
>> to consider the capabilities and motivations of their members. But with the
>> help of new technology, this is exactly what Couzin and others are doing
>> and, in the process, overturning some preconceived ideas about swarms.
>> Info in flow
>> Take shoaling fish. Olav Handegard, who works in Couzin's lab and also at
>> the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen, Norway, is using sonar imaging
>> to reveal what is going on in the murky waters of Louisiana's estuaries
>> when shoals of Gulf menhaden come under attack from spotted sea trout. Like
>> many schooling fish, they split up into smaller pods, which according to
>> received wisdom is a way of evading predators. Not so. Handegard has
>> found that this is what the trout are aiming for: they do their best to
>> break up the menhaden 
>> shoal<http://www.cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822%2812%2900470-8>because
>>  it is easier to take a fish from a smaller group. For the menhaden,
>> the intact shoal is the best place to be because news of a predator's
>> presence reaches them more rapidly in a large shoal. Each fish reacts to
>> the movements of its nearest neighbours to create a "wave of turning" that
>> propagates 15 times as fast as a fish can swim, and faster than the
>> predator too. The more eyes there are to spot danger and the more
>> neighbours' movements there are to follow, the better the information flow.
>> To find out more, Christos Ioannou, who splits his time between the
>> University of Bristol, UK, and Couzin's lab, created a virtual reality
>> for 
>> sunfish<http://icouzin.princeton.edu/predatory-fish-select-for-coordinated-collective-motion-in-virtual-prey/>.
>> He simulated the shoals these predatory fish pursue by projecting white
>> dots in various patterns onto a screen inside the sunfish's tank. He found
>> that when all the dots stayed together and moved in the same direction, the
>> sunfish left them alone. The approach reveals how a predator's behaviour
>> influences the social interactions of its prey, and the benefit of thinking
>> about coordinated collective motion as an evolved process.
>> Couzin and colleagues are finding it fruitful to consider swarms as
>> groups of sensory beings rather than rule-following data points. Other
>> researchers have highlighted another flaw in swarming models. Modellers
>> often assume that each member of a swarm has an equal say in determining
>> the motion of the group - that you can model them as identical particles
>> working together. Research on homing pigeons reveals this is not
>> necessarily the case. A team led by Tamas Vicsek at Eötvös University in
>> Budapest, Hungary, used GPS to track the interactions between birds in a
>> flock. "To our amazement, it turned out that there is a set of delicate
>> leader-follower relationships," he says. What's more, these were not the
>> same hierarchies as existed back in the loft (*PNAS*, vol 110, p 
>> 13049<http://www.pnas.org/content/110/32/13049>).
>> And pigeons are not the only animals that have complex relationships
>> between group members: herring take up different positions in a school
>> depending on their reproductive 
>> state<http://www.gulfofmaine-census.org/wp-content/docs/Makris_et_al_Science_2009.pdf>;
>> female zebras with young play a disproportionate role in decisions about
>> herd movements; and cattle have a pecking order of 
>> influence<http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2010.01.019>
>> .
>> The presence of leaders and followers may be a strength when it comes to
>> making a collective decision (see "We all vote 
>> together<http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg22129540.800-mind-meld-the-genius-of-swarm-thinking.html?full=true#bx295408B1>")
>> but it also makes research more difficult. Vicsek and others use high-tech
>> devices including miniature GPS trackers and real-time video taken from
>> unmanned aerial vehicles. "To find out what animals perceive and how they
>> react, one needs detailed information about their trajectories, orientation
>> and so on," he says.
>> This is also exactly the sort of information Couzin and his colleagues
>> are collecting. They developed computer models that map the posture of
>> individual fish 200 times per second, with each frame reconstructing the
>> precise field of view of each fish in the shoal. Then they projected
>> different types of habitat onto the bottom of a fish tank to create a
>> virtual dappled stream where a real shoal of freshwater golden shiner fish
>> could swim through areas of light and dark. "For the first time, we have
>> been able to see the world from the organism's perspective," he says. What
>> they observed was intriguing.
>> Fish shoals tend to stick to darker waters where they are less visible to
>> predators, and golden shiners are no exception. This suggests that
>> individual fish see where the water becomes darker and follow that
>> "gradient" to safety. "It turns out the animals are doing something much
>> simpler and much more elegant," says Couzin. Rather than an ability to
>> detect darkness and move towards it, the researchers found a link between
>> light intensity and speed of movement: the brighter the light hitting a
>> fish's retina, the faster it moved. This simple response is all that is
>> needed to guide the shoal to safety and encourage it to stay there. What's
>> more, the bigger the shoal, the more efficient the fish are at finding and
>> staying in darker waters.
>> As well as revealing the true nature of fish perception, this shows they
>> have a collective intelligence, Couzin says (*Current Biology*, vol 23,
>> R709 <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24028946>). Each fish is a
>> rather dumb sensor, but when networked together they can generate
>> intelligent responses to changing environments that outstrip their
>> individual capabilities. The findings that a mass of basic sensors can
>> exhibit complex "emergent" behaviours has implications in other areas. For
>> example, in robotics it could radically simplify the task of programming a
>> network of roaming sensors because each would need only relatively simple
>> sensing abilities but working together they could achieve complex tasks.
>> Now Couzin is working with roboticists at the Georgia Institute of
>> Technology in Atlanta to exploit the benefits of collective cognition to
>> create robotic swarms designed to monitor such things as atmospheric carbon
>> dioxide levels, algal blooms and ocean temperatures. With minimal
>> electronics and programming, the swarms of simple sensors could trace out
>> and highlight areas of maximum concentration, helping researchers identify
>> the sources of pollution and other environmental problems.
>> There are numerous potential applications in medicine too, where systems
>> that look complex might in fact be exhibiting simple swarm-like behaviour,
>> making them easier to understand and manipulate. Take the cells involved in
>> wound healing. If you put a bunch of them in a Petri dish they will start
>> moving around following certain programmed rules. However, as far as we
>> know, individual cells are unable to sense the chemical and electric field
>> gradients necessary to coordinate the repair processes in a body, says
>> Couzin. He suspects that cells involved in wound healing may have similar
>> evolutionary programming to shoaling fish - simple rules that allow the
>> group to get a complex job done. If so, we may be able to harness that
>> emergent property and provide optimal healing conditions.
>> Then there is embryo formation. "The process of segregation of cells into
>> structures - an essential part of embryogenesis - is very much influenced
>> and enhanced by flocking behaviours," says Vicsek. Tumours also contain
>> flocking cells, as do the self-organising cellular troops of the immune
>> system.
>> Complexity simplified
>> "These are collective decision-making systems," says Couzin. They have
>> always looked fearsomely complex but maybe they follow rules that are much
>> simpler than we have suspected. By observing the individual behaviour of
>> these swarming cells we may be able to discover those rules, giving us new
>> ways to intervene.
>> Taking the idea even further, Couzin contends that neurons act like
>> swarming animals. The brain is the very definition of complexity: it
>> contains about 86 billion neurons, all interconnected by physical, chemical
>> and electrical channels. Couzin and his colleagues wonder whether each
>> might act as a simple sensor which, when networked, generates complex
>> emergent behaviour. "We're interested in how they integrate local
>> information from those around them, and how that gets encoded," he says.
>> This might, he suggests, be a key to understanding how consciousness
>> emerges. Perhaps it is collective information processing, analogous to the
>> way groups of fish detect light gradients that a single fish cannot
>> perceive.
>> Swarm dynamics might also inform our understanding of specific mental
>> processes, such as memory and recognition. Collections of neurons seem to
>> fire in sync to create a memory or carry out a pattern-recognition task,
>> notes Couzin. This is analogous to what happens when a swarm of ants
>> performs a sudden synchronised activity. He sees each ant as a simple,
>> mobile neural network and the swarm as a parallel information-processing
>> system producing complex behaviour, just as happens in the brain. "There
>> are many important analogues," he says.
>> Understanding swarms better should also benefit the animals within them.
>> For example, offshore construction projects such as wind farms affect
>> shoaling fish and dolphin schools. "The disturbance changes the way schools
>> split and recombine, and these group sizes have an effect on feeding and
>> reproductive success," says David Lusseau of the University of Aberdeen,
>> UK, who is advising the Scottish government on the issue. Fish shoal sizes
>> are also predicted to become smaller as global temperatures rise. That's
>> because warmer seas contain less dissolved oxygen, so fish at the front of
>> a shoal are more likely to deplete the water of oxygen for those behind.
>> "Our activities affect their survival," says Lusseau.
>> We still have much to learn. But there is huge potential in thinking of
>> swarms as groups of living entities whose collective intelligence outstrips
>> their individual capabilities. That's why Couzin is keen to get away from
>> the simple models and get everyone thinking about the individuals within
>> swarms as sensory beings rather than mere pixels. "The real world always
>> has surprises, and is much more fascinating than any of the models," he
>> says. If that means doing more fieldwork, then so be it. Next time, though,
>> he'll be taking packed lunches.
>> *This article appeared in print under the headline "Perfect swarm"*
>> We all vote together
>> We tend to think of swarms as mindless moving masses, not the kind of
>> thoughtful groups that humans form. But humans often behave like a swarm,
>> particularly when it comes to collective decision-making.
>> During election campaigns, people often believe that sufficiently
>> outspoken minority groups have the power to sway the results. That's
>> unlikely, say Iain Couzin and his team at Princeton University. Their
>> models of voter swarms show that the minority influence, however strong,
>> gets diluted to the point where the group goes with the majority decision -
>> provided the electorate contains enough uninformed and undecided voters who
>> simply copy their neighbours (*Science*, vol 334, p 
>> 1578<http://www.sciencemag.org/content/334/6062/1578.abstract>).
>> For better or worse, ignorance plays a significant role in the way
>> democracies operate.
>> *Michael Brooks is a consultant for New Scientist*
>> On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Alicia Juarrero <
>> aliciajuarr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Perfect Swarm by Michael Brooks. Re emergent properties of the collective
>>> New Scientist website doesn't let me read(ergo can't send you) full
>>> article online even though I'm a subscriber and I"ve linked my online
>>> account with my subscription.
>>> Alicia Juarrero
>>> Visiting Scholar,
>>> Philosophy Department University of Miami (FL)
>>> Professor of Philosophy emerita
>>> Prince George's Community College (MD)
>>> www.aliciajuarrero.com
>> --
>> Michael Lissack
>> 2338 Immokalee Rd #292, Naples FL 34110  239-254-9648
>> http://isce.edu
>> http://lissack.com
>> Please try http://epi-search.com  <http://epi-search.com>
>> Michael is the Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of
>> Coherence and Emergence and ISCE Professor of Meaning in Organizations
>> If this is real estate related please note Michael conducts his real
>> estate activities through Michael R. Lissack PLLC (disclosure required by
>> law) see http://search4naples.com
>> "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. ..
>> Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it
>> takes to sit down and listen. "
>>  (Winston Churchill)
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