I don't know about that story, but if you want to learn Klingon, there's an app 
for that -


Ray Parks
Consilient Heuristician/IDART Program Manager
V: 505-844-4024  M: 505-238-9359  P: 505-951-6084
NIPR: rcpa...@sandia.gov
SIPR: rcpar...@sandia.doe.sgov.gov (send NIPR reminder)
JWICS: dopa...@doe.ic.gov (send NIPR reminder)

On Aug 10, 2014, at 1:31 PM, Gillian Densmore wrote:

> Is it just me or is there a disturbing economic and technical trend to go 
> back to the late 80s early 90s?
> "Native advertising" to suplant spondored inline content? 
> Russia/US dead set on procting another ColdWar?-Did neither one of them see 
> that the net result was two broke countries- that arguably haven't fully 
> recovered the first time, I doubt either one would survive a second go.
> Middle East seeming to go postal (again)? At current rates I wonder how much 
> of the Gaza, and important landmarks would be left? oO
> I also truly wonder how much will be left of  the Gaza and the nile with 
> current rates of blowing shit up. 
> Forbs, Wall Street Jounal, and Huffingtan post reporting the US is now at a 
> 13% and rising unemployment rate? While no sane employer is hiring more than 
> part time workers (if that) and only temp work as we head into the holiday 
> seasons- Wtf? we were here in the 80s, and 90s- and the situation sucked 
> then, didn't improve all that much except in the Bay where they're managing 
> to thrive. I for one object to such spectacularly bad conditions. Partly as a 
> rank-amature  game designer and computer engineer.
> When the Eff are We going to learn this is NOT a good sign. I fully accept 
> that living in a rural state, and even more rural city exasperbates these 
> issues.
> That said from the: Amused department I read on twitter from salon, and NYT 
> that a Senetor said durring a the countries horribly mis-run moment. He then 
> proceeded to say: since we refuse to speak the same language, I'm pushing a 
> mandidate we all learn Klingon, and act like them. I'm not finding the link 
> right now. Maybe someone knows the story.
> ============================================================
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