Owen sed:
My current ancient ios iphone 4s is finally on its last legs.
And here I feel like my iPhone 4 is downright brandy new! I've only immersed it and tore it down twice so far... It's got at least one more good dunking in it! And despite my most fierce attempts, the gorilla glass *is* tough!

That said, I'm amazed at how far all of these devices (and ecology, and market) have come in a short 7? years, pretty much since the first iPhone was released (07?).

Next upgrade, I'm likely to try a "phablet" such as the upcoming Galaxy Note 4 with a >> 1080p 5" screen, planned to go into the Oculus Rift as well... so... just drop it into Google Cardboard and "wheee!"

I rarely put my phone to my ear anymore, using either headphones or speaker phone and as I more and more need reading glasses for smart-phone sized text, I will appreciate all the real-estate I can get, as long as it still fits in a pocket! Eventually they will get big enough to be harder to misplace!

- Steve

So I'm looking to decide between the new iPhone 6 reportedly available next month the various android devices. My ecology is basically google, so android would be preferred from that standpoint.

So, this popped up in a newsletter:
​    ​

​ Now fragmentation is not a bad thing, just difficult for folks to manage, especially developers. But what is interesting is just how rich the android ecology is, but also how diverse.

And yes, the article is careful to point out samsung dominance and consider some of its specific fragmentation issues/advantages.

It's a well considered, non fanboi article, useful for folks deciding between various devices and form factors.​

I did ask an android friend at Friam how he deletes apps on his phone. He couldn't delete the ones we tried, basically samsung built-in annoyances. Anyone know how?

 -- Owen

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