On Jan 18, 2015, at 12:30 AM, Michel Bloch wrote:

Having been for several years one of the few “French moles” on your forum, I 
feel obliged to write for the first time. Hi Nick!

1.     In Full Metal Jacket, Joker being asked why he wears the peace-sign on 
his marine-corps uniform, answers “Sir, this shows the ambiguity of human 

In real life, when he was a LtCol in the Air Force and hospital administrator 
setting up the Cam Ranh Bay hospital (think China Beach TV series), my 
father-in-law wore a piece symbol on a leather necklace under his fatigue 
blouse.  I inherited that piece and it has two sides - one that looks like an 
ordinary peace symbol and, when you flipped it over, the side that looks like a 
B-52 bomber.  Ambiguity again.

The hospital commander in military hospitals is always a doctor who relegates 
non-medical tasks to the administrator.  My father-in-law worked with a flight 
surgeon who had been a fighter pilot in the Korean conflict and WWII.  This 
gentleman would fly with aircraft on bombing runs in the morning and perform 
surgery on wounded in the afternoon.  Yet more ambiguity.

Human nature includes the ability to compartmentalize different thoughts and 
feelings to specific environments/domains/situations.  What we do and feel is 
based on our experiences and the similarity of the current situation to past 
situations more than on rational comparisons and analysis.  Dan Ariely gets 
into this in _Predictably_Irrational_ and _The_Upside_of_Irrationality_.

My grandmother was irrational but I could predict that irrationality.  She was 
Dutch and German, born on the border early in the last century.  Her parents 
ran a basement restaurant catering to commercial sailors in Hamburg in the 
'20s.  The early Nazi party local set up shop in the building up above, which 
caused much of the restaurant's business to avoid the location.  Soon the 
business was so bad that their banker, a Jew, foreclosed on them.  My 
grandmother expressed hatred for both Nazis and Jews as groups.  Yet she 
married two different Nazis and saved her Jewish employer millions in taxes.  I 
could then predict that when she worked for an Hispanic builder in Texas she 
would express hatred for "Mexicans" yet save him hundreds of thousands of 
dollars in taxes.  Again, the ambiguity of relationships dating back to an 
early experience - conventional bigotry with respect to the group but faithful 
work for the individual.

I postulate that Dieudonné reacted to a robbery/murder/terrorism injustice in 
earlier life rather than the exact situation more in line with his 

Ray Parks
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