Dear Colleagues, 


Having received some very good advice from FRIAMMERS, I thought I would
report back .  You recall was the problem that I had gotten given these very
fancy Sony Bluetooth earphones which did not work more than a few feet from
the Computer.  So, I called HP, which has a call center in Rio Rancho, of
all places, which is usually very good, not only because they know a lot but
also because they tell you when the DON'T know ( instead of saying three
minutes into the conversation, "Well you could reformat your hard disk and
reinstall windows," like so many places do.)   They said they didn't know
much about Bluetooth, but it would not surprise them if the range was well
below specification.  Called Sony, and they were ABSOLUTELY worthless.
Impenetrable and unresponsive.  Called Roger, and he said "Try a dongle;
costs 5 bucks; might work."  So, I went to Amazon (because of their return
policy) and ordered a 5 dollar dongle.  It didn't work and came with little
documentation and no place to go for support.  Sent it back [no questions
asked] and ordered a 12 dollar dongle from KINIVO because I noticed in the
Amazon comments that they responded to comments and gave a support site.
The KINOVO dongle instructions were also inadequate, but their emails
response was quick and to the point and their dongle is now shining its
little blue light and transmitting to every corner of our small apartment.  


I am VERY happy.  


Thanks everybody, 








Nicholas S. Thompson

Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Biology

Clark University


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