One either knows the answer (to whatever question) or one doesn't. You actually know that God exists, or you don't know. Pretending that you know when you don't is...well...pretense. Accepting that you don't know when you don't and keeping an open mind usually leads to less self delusion.

I see no reason to adopt an idea as a belief when you know damn well that you don't know whether it is true or not. This goes for atheism as well as theism or any other idea. FWIW I think that pretending to know when I don't - one way or the other - is simply unnecessary, fruitless and self-deluding.


On 1/27/15 3:35 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
Well said, Vladimyr.


Frank C. Wimberly
140 Calle Ojo Feliz
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone:  (505) 995-8715      Cell:  (505) 670-9918

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Vladimyr
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 2:26 PM
To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
Subject: [FRIAM] [ SPAM ] RE: clinical diagnosis of [a]theism?

To Marcus and Group,

If there are multiple points of view of any event, which one of the many can
be true, or are  all true in some respect?
If every view point is contaminated by default belief/delusion  how can we
decide which is true?
Consensus or democracy seems appealing but it is a very simple matter of
numerical superiority with no better a chance of being right.
The collective opinion is reduced to one and gains nothing by addition.
Parallax is the simplest such example, left eye versus right eye and the
brain merges the disparate 2D images into a 3D mapping.
We could decide to blind one eye in favour of the other but then the value
of the map is compromised.

Control Freaks would prefer their working eye or viewpoint to be the only
one ever considered. So the control freak must annihilate all contradiction
and be elevated in the esteem of the group ( whose opinions have also been
squashed as the admission price) .

Harris may simply be indulging in a manoeuvre to appear as an "authority"
and enrich himself at the expense of a naïve group. Quite Normal.
But none of that makes him right but only wealthier than some.

There is something so medieval about pitting an atheist against a believer
in an arena each using bludgeons to assert their position.
Well if both are deluded in some manner there will never be truth , who so
ever gets the killing blow in first conflates assassination with the victory
of his argument. ad hominem fallacy

Everyone seems to assume that one is either a Believer or  an Atheist as if
there are only two possibilities. As a "judge", neither side can force me to
adopt certain limitations, or petitions. If the judge is outside of any
group affiliation he is free to shrug off fallacious arguments as they
The litigants have no right to enforce their  contrived rules on the judges,
or do they? anymore than the left eye has tricks to exclude the right eye.
Harris may also be motivated by a need for status as well as funds, the
drive for literary quality may be very small.

-----Original Message-----
From: Friam [] On Behalf Of Marcus G.
Sent: January-26-15 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: [FRIAM] clinical diagnosis of [a]theism?

Glen writes:

"but Harris, having authored so many books, should be much better at it than
he seems to be."

It may not be such a bad approach, depending on his goals.  Does he want to
persuade anyone or just a certain type of person?
Wrong approach for a politician, but adequate for tenured faculty or a cult


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