I would be interested (sorry to send this on-list, but at least it is FriAm
rather than WedTech :P -- I thought people might be vaguely mollified by
any information in the following link), it looks like there are drivers for
GNU/Linux systems:
I can come into town to pick it up.

However, perhaps it would be best to wait; perhaps someone needs it more
than I, since I have a scanner (which is broken but may be simple to fix)
with a higher resolution in one direction (2400dpi vs 1600) and a larger
bed (9" x ~12" rather than 8.5" x 11.7") than the scanner you are offering
(so it would be wasteful to have the Epson [and have to make a similar post
giving it away somewhere later] if I fix my HP), according to these specs

-Arlo James Barnes
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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