As was announced yesterday, WebAssembly language (replacing asm.js) is
seriously real.  Here's a FAQ
​    ​

​And Brendan Eich:​

​There is still hope for JS itself, however.  JS can import wasm:

Is WebAssembly only for C/C++ programmers?

As explained in the high-level goals
<>, to
achieve a Minimum Viable Product, the initial focus is on C/C++
However, byintegrating
with JS at the ES6 Module interface
<>, web
developers don't need to write C++ to take advantage of libraries that
others have written; reusing a modular C++ library can be as simple as using
a module from JS <>.

Beyond the MVP, another high-level goal
<> is to
improve support for languages other than C/C++. This includes allowing
WebAssembly code to allocate and access garbage-collected (JS, DOM, Web
API) objects
Even before GC support is added to WebAssembly, it is possible to compile a
language's VM to WebAssembly (assuming it's written in portable C/C++) and
this has already been demonstrated (1 <>, 2
<>, 3
<>). However,
"compile the VM" strategies increase the size of distributed code, lose
browser devtools integration, can have cross-language cycle-collection
problems and miss optimizations that require integration with the browser.

​My guess is that Java or GWT (Google Web Toolkit) will eventually be able
compile to wasm​. So you're right again, Frank!

   -- Owen
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