Bragging about his "deep roots in the military" and speaking at West Point,
I can't imagine why you would confuse this with a liberal education.  We
have endless war and a global militarization of our governance structures.
The masters of the universe at Harvard, etc. are sadly implicated and
what's worse--don't even recognize it.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Frank Wimberly <> wrote:

> I have told some of you about my grandson, who wants to be a film editor.
> I arranged for him to meet with the undergraduate adviser in the College of
> Fine Arts at Carnegie Mellon.  Among other things that man told him that he
> could get credit for certain courses at the Pittsburgh Filmmakers
> Institute.  When my grandson visited the latter organization his reaction
> was to ask what he needed Carnegie Mellon for.  I took this as lack of
> appreciation for the value of a liberal education.  I find the linked
> address by the President of Harvard to be relevant:
> Frank
> ---
> Frank Wimberly
> Phone
> (505) 670-9918
> ============================================================
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Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
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