Great find carl!

MY issue is that all this crap is overly complicated. I just want it to be
both easy, and fun to do things.

lol that article is great but to many fancy words just to say yeah things
these days are to complicated, and I haven't a clue why.
Lets see today alone I'm trying out a few different weby-web page makers
because I ran into a gocha with wordpress it's kind of not all that simple
to make small changes to a wordpress theme. I duno I don't think its as
simple as it could be. On the other hand lots of people use it, and
suposedly Automatix said: uh yeah does this suck, lets try to fix it.

 My Cellphone has off and on reception. (Kind of the nature of the beast
with hills and vallies and no antenta's for a ways. My internet sucks , the
place I use to try out some options is ludicrously slow. However  The
options are Affordable or Comcast. I mention all this because I am puzzled
 Why the heck are these basic things even a issue oO
The way I see it is this: bad news is NM failed. End of story. Politicians
just pointing fingers epically failed as well. End of story.
The good news is it seems like many of the day to day issues can be solved,
NM  has a some kind of nice village charm.

Personally I've had about enough of people saying john has coodies, Fred
has a large eyebrow, Sally's smile is to big or what ever silly things they
say, use  to many fancy words just to say  Oy hey lets see if X can be done
better, and not make it so darn complicated.

The way I see it the questions should be limited as much as possible:
Does it work? and is it simple to do or use?, and useful and mabie even
kind fun and cool to do or use? these should be about the only questions at
least as far as I'm concerned- lol but hey what do I know. ^_^

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 10:37 AM, Merle Lefkoff <>

> Thanks, Carl.  Don't have to tell you how much this resonated with our
> work!
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 9:28 PM, Carl <> wrote:
>> An inspired rant possibly of interest to FRIAM denizens; found the link
>> through Bruce Sterling.
>> Can't say I disagree.   Mainly since the sort of things he's critiquing
>> are increasingly coming our way and any sort of expanded perspective may be
>> useful.
>> Carl
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> --
> Merle Lefkoff, Ph.D.
> President, Center for Emergent Diplomacy
> Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
> mobile:  (303) 859-5609
> skype:  merle.lelfkoff2
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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