To mach Coddy Doder Son's tale of how he fixed power converter:

I just applied a place looking for some creative types. It had 5 serious
questions and 4 goofball Qs.  I am (supposedly) one of however many people
applied to actually be considered.

What I don't get is though is How many people are getting tired of places
that post someone awsome resume, say that's only thing they'll consider, or
make you do 200000000 questions before the moon and sun align and pluto
stays a planet just so you can etc etc.

I get that you want somehow make sure people that'd work are considered.

Do we  need the BS of 9999 Qs just for starter jobs with crap pay?
Should I stick to places like indeed and universitie? The last 3 I applied
to  didn't have have ridiculous number of questions.

Anyway I just thought I'd toss that out there as my boring anecdote to go
with Cody's,
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