It is not a tautology, because (at the least) it is a program written by
people, so the definition of an accept state is determined outside the
system in question. At its most basic level, the Turing machine isn't
calculating the answer to a problem, it is accepting or rejecting a
hypothesis by following a quirky set of rules. Those rules might have
you see what is written on a really long piece of paper, might have you
modify the writing that is in front of you, and might have you move
to various different spot in the really long paper (for subsequent reading
and writing). But in the end, either you reach a state where you accept the
inputs, or you reject them.... or you go on forever without an answer. (It
is interesting to figure out what problems can be solved, and how long it
can take to solve them, but the possibility of running forever is, IMHO,
what makes the whole thing so damned interesting).

For example, we could write a Turing program that tells you whether one
number can be divided cleanly by another. In this case, the "accept state"
is that a sub-part of the division event occurs without remainder. That is,
if I ask (yes/no) whether you can divide 8 by 4, you will reach an accept
state and stop rather quickly. In contrast, if I ask (yes/no) whether you
can divide 8 by 9, you will go on dividing forever, never reaching an
accept state. We can get around this by adding additional rules. For
example, I might have the program give a "reject" if you get the same
numeral 5 times in a row. (Obviously, that rule won't work for all
circumstances, but it will work here.)

Input -> Can you divide 8, 4?


Accept (i.e., the program says that you should accept that 8 is cleanly
divided by 4)


Input -> Can you divide 8, 9?







Reject (i.e., the program says that you should reject that 8 is cleanly
divided by 9)


If we were less interested in answering the yes/no question, and more
interested in reading the output to find out what happens during the
division, then you could add an additional accept state. For example, I
might be a high school teacher who allows a rule that you can turn in an
answered rounded to the nearest hundredth. Under such a condition, there
would be two accept states: 1) You complete a division step with no
remainder. 2) You get a non-zero number in the thousandth place and round.

Input -> Divide 8, 9






Accept (i.e., the program says that when you divide 8 by 9 and round to the
nearest hundredth, you get to an acceptable stopping point)


Note that, from a theory-of-computation perspective, the latter program is
utterly uninteresting. Such a program has no risk of running forever, and
it won't ever find itself in a rejection state (assuming its inputs are two
numbers); it will always reach an "accept" state. Nevertheless, it is a
useful program to have because after the program ends up in the "accept"
state, you can read the paper and see where it was when it stopped.

But always remember that the main point of cogitating about Turing-machines
isn't to imagine reading what's on the paper; the main point is to
determine what types of problems can lead to accept or reject states, given
a set of rules and some inputs (and whether they will do so in a finite
amount of time). That is, the point is to determine what types of thing
are, in principle, computable; i.e., what types of problems can be solved
using *only* methods of computation, without any leaps of creativity,
i.e., Kohler-style "insight."


Eric P. Charles, Ph.D.
Supervisory Survey Statistician
U.S. Marine Corps

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Barry MacKichan <> wrote:

> That is, it’s a definition, not a theorem.
> --Barry
> On 2 Jul 2016, at 13:06, Nick Thompson wrote:
> > I smell a tautology, here.
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